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Welcome to the Independent Schools Yearbook
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The Independent Schools Yearbook (ISYB) contains details of Schools in membership of one or more of the Independent Schools Council's Constituent Associations below.
More than 500,000 children (over 80% of those educated in the UK’s independent sector) attend schools in these Associations.
Description: Independent Schools Council
The Independent Schools Council (ISC) is established to support the aims and objectives of its member associations; to protect and promote the sector with policy makers and opinion formers; and to conduct and compile authoritative research and intelligence.
[31 August, 2012]
ISC Constituent Associations
Heads Associations:
Description: HMC
HMC (The Heads’ Conference) provides a global community for Heads embedded in an association for schools.
[12 July, 2012]
Description: GSA
The Girls’ Schools Association represents the Heads of independent girls’ schools in the UK and overseas.
[12 July, 2012]
Description: The Society of Heads
The Society is an Association of Heads of around 150 well-established independent schools.
[12 July, 2012]
Description: IAPS
The Independent Association of Prep Schools is the professional association for Heads of 660 leading independent prep schools in the UK and overseas.
[12 July, 2012]
Description: ISA
The Independent Schools Association (ISA) brings the Headteachers of over 670 independent schools together, representing the diverse range of independent education practised across the UK and overseas.
[12 July, 2012]
Other Constituent Associations:
Description: ISBA
The Independent Schools’ Bursars Association (ISBA) is the only national association to represent bursars and business managers of independent schools, providing them with the professional support they need to manage their schools successfully.
[19 July, 2012]
Description: AGBIS
The Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS) supports and advises governing bodies of schools in the independent sector on all aspects of governance.
[12 July, 2012]
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* Diamond - Single-sex teaching in 11-16 age range; N/P/PP - Nursery/Pre-Prep/Prep

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