The School was founded in 1600 and was awarded Direct Grant status as a boys' day and boarding school in 1945. Girls were first admitted in 1976. The Preparatory School (ages 4–11) and the Senior School are fully co-educational with day boys and girls (4–18) and boarding boys and girls (11–18). As a result of the withdrawal of the Direct Grant, the School assumed fully independent status in 1978. There are around 300 pupils in the Prep School and 760 pupils in the Senior School. There is almost a 1:1 ratio of girls to boys.
Mission statement. Kimbolton School creates a caring, challenging environment in which all pupils are encouraged to fulfil their potential and are given opportunities to flourish in a wide variety of curricular and extracurricular interests.
It provides a close family environment where young people are educated to be tolerant, socially responsible and independent of mind, equipping them for our changing world. It is a community that challenges pupils to discover their talents, develop socially and excel.
Facilities. The Senior School facilities are situated in and around the main school building, Kimbolton Castle, once the home of Queen Katharine of Aragon and for three centuries the home of the Dukes of Manchester. Now, with its Vanbrugh front and Pellegrini murals, it is a building of considerable beauty and architectural importance. The former State Rooms are study areas for senior pupils and the Castle Chapel is used each day for prayers.
The Queen Katharine Building is a state-of-the-art teaching and learning centre, complete with a 120-seat multimedia lecture theatre. Its two-storey Science and Maths wing provides outstanding facilities including 12 laboratories and a digital learning suite. The Lewis Hall caters for the performing arts and daily assemblies and provides modern theatre and concert facilities. The Design Technology Engineering Centre is up to date and well equipped, as is the Music School.
A large sports complex, incorporating squash courts, gymnasium, sports hall, multi-gym and changing rooms, stands in the Castle’s parkland. Closer to the Castle itself lie a modern Art Centre, Library and a state-of-the-art 25-metre indoor swimming pool. The School has two fine all-weather hockey pitches, one of which is floodlit.
Our separate girls’ and boys’ boarding houses stand adjacent to the grounds in the picturesque Kimbolton High Street. The boarding community is an important part of the School.
The Prep School is located to the west of Kimbolton village, at the opposite end of our 120 acres of parkland and playing fields. It has, on site, a dining hall, library, digital suite, assembly hall, music teaching and practice rooms, science laboratory, art and design technology room, and sports hall, as well as large, light and airy classrooms.
We are very much one school: the curricula of the Prep and Senior Schools are aligned, our warm caring ethos starts at Reception Year and continues through to the Upper Sixth; and some of our staff teach at both the Prep and Senior Schools.
Admission and organisation. The Prep School admits children at 4+, and 7+ (as day pupils) with the expectation that they will complete their education in the Senior School. Entry at other ages is sometimes possible. Tests for entry at the Prep School are held in February. Entry into the Senior School at the age of 11 is open to boarders and day pupils; the Senior School Entrance examinations are also held in February. There are also entries at 13+, usually by the Common Entrance Examination in June. Those not preparing for Common Entrance may sit the School’s own 13+ examination in February. Entry into the Sixth Form is based on interview and GCSE/IGCSE results.
Arrangements can be made for overseas candidates to take the entrance examination at their own schools.
Pupils are accepted in September at the start of the academic year, but a few places may be available for entry in other terms.
The relationship between the Prep and Senior Schools is a close one and contributes to the strong ‘family’ atmosphere of the whole School. In the Senior School, there are four senior houses and one junior house. It is an important element of our pastoral care that boarding pupils and day pupils are together – there are no day houses. Housemasters/Housemistresses, assisted by Tutors, look after the general wellbeing and progress of their charges.
Work and curriculum. For the first two years in the Senior School there are usually five parallel forms; in each of the third, fourth and fifth years there are usually six forms with sets for most subjects. Boys and girls entering at 13 join one of the Third Forms. An option scheme is introduced in the Fourth Form. In the Sixth Form specialisation occurs, and pupils will usually study three subjects from the following list: English Language; English Literature; History; Geography; French; Spanish; Maths; Further Maths; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Music; Art (Fine Art); Art (Photography); Art (Critical and Contextual); Design Technology and Engineering; Drama and Theatre; Physical Education; Economics; Business; Politics; and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics.
Each A level has a period of subject enrichment, allowing students to explore topics beyond the curriculum. To widen their interests and experience, all students also choose to take an Extension Course in subjects typically including Astronomy, Classics, Robotics, Cooking For Life, Creative Writing, Debating, Digital Media, Ethical Philosophy, Film-Making, Music Technology, Political Ideas and Psychology. All Sixth Formers follow a ‘Preparing for Citizenship’ series of lectures, seminars and debates. Almost all leavers gain places at the universities of their choice, with many heading to Oxbridge colleges and Russell Group universities
Religious teaching. Our school is non-denominational with a Christian ethos and attracts children of all religions and none. Pupils attend Chapel once a week and have PRE lessons each week in the First to Third Form. Other services are held in the School Chapel during each term for pupils and parents to attend. Sunday Services are held in the Chapel and occasionally the School worships in the Parish Church.
Sport and activities. The School owns over 120 acres of land, more than 20 of which are laid out as playing fields. The major sports for boys are association football, hockey and cricket. For girls the main sports are hockey, netball and tennis. Other sports include girls' cricket, girls' football, athletics, gymnastics, dance, climbing, archery, swimming, golf, fitness training, clay pigeon shooting, squash, badminton, basketball and rounders. Swimming is popular with before and after school sessions and numerous galas. Extensive use is also made by the sailing club of nearby Grafham Water, both for recreational sailing and inter-school matches. Canoeing is popular and each year a team competes in the highly demanding 125-mile Devizes–Westminster challenge. The equestrian club competes in around 20 fixtures during the course of the year. The aim is to find a sport that each pupil loves and will continue to enjoy long after leaving Kimbolton.
Music and drama play an important part in the life of the School and almost half of the pupils take lessons in a great variety of instruments. There is a Choral Society, two orchestras, several bands and many ensemble groups. The School stages plays, musicals or concerts each term.
The School contingent of the CCF is a voluntary, keen and efficient body, divided into Navy, Army and RAF Sections with a national reputation for excellence; Community Service is an alternative. There is a successful Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme with a large number of participants.
There are many other activities and societies that meet on a regular basis, such as debating, public speaking, forensic science, photography, chess, robotics, motor vehicle engineering, bookworms, dance, beekeeping, gardening, medical society, modelling, pottery and philosophy.
All pupils are able to participate in the large number of trips in the UK and abroad.
Careers. Advice can be sought at any time by pupils or their parents from the Careers staff and we have excellent resources in the Careers Room. All pupils undertake an online profiling test at the end of the Fourth Form, which results in a personal careers guidance report. This is the basis for an individual, half-hour interview with a visiting Careers Guidance Institute-qualified interviewer early in the Fifth Form. Morrisby membership gives our pupils access to a lifelong range of resources and guidance. An annual HE, Gap and Careers Fair is held for Fourth to Sixth Formers.
Dress. The School colours are purple, black and white. Boys wear blazers and grey flannels (shorts until the final year in the Prep School). The girls’ uniform includes a standard skirt, blouse and blazer. Sixth Formers wear a black suit.
Scholarships and bursaries. A number of scholarships are awarded at 11+ and 13+ to candidates who perform with distinction in the Entrance Examination or in Common Entrance.
In addition, William Ingram Scholarships are awarded for 13+ entrants who excel at Music, Art or Games and Leadership.
Sixth Form Scholarships and Exhibitions are awarded to those who achieve outstanding results in GCSE.
There is a bursary scheme for deserving candidates aged 11 or over; bursaries may be awarded on their own or in addition to scholarships.
Fees per term (2024-2025). £4,150 (Lower Prep), £5,385 (Upper Prep), £6,590 (Senior Day), £11,175 (Senior Full Boarding), £10,485 (Senior Weekly Boarding). These figures include a 2% discount which is applied if fees are paid by termly direct debit.
The fees are inclusive of lunches and there is no charge for laundry, books and stationery.
There is a reduction of 2½% in tuition fees when siblings attend at the same time.
Music tuition fee: £275–£350 per term for individual lessons. (Half a term’s notice must be given in writing before a pupil discontinues music lessons.)
Old Kimboltonians Association. All correspondence to: Alumni Officer, OKA, Kimbolton School, Kimbolton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE28 0EA; email: Charitable status. Kimbolton School Foundation is a Registered Charity, number 1098586.
Governors & Staff:
Governing Body:
Cllr J A Gray (Chairman)
Mr S F J Page (Vice Chairman)
Ms S M Brereton
Mrs M Buxton
Mr C Cm Dodd
Mr P J Farrar
Mrs T J Reid
Dr R Smith
Mr G R Yeandle
Headmaster: Mr W Chuter, BA
PA to the Headmaster: Mrs J Nelson-Lucas
Senior Leadership Team:
Headmaster: W Chuter, BA
Bursar & Clerk to the Governors: J F Agnew, LLB Hons, LLM
Senior Deputy Headmaster: D R Koch, D Phil
Deputy Head (Academic): R H Taylor, MA
Assistant Head (Teaching & Learning): K Latham, MA
Assistant Head (Staff): C E Thomas, MA
Assistant Head (Pastoral): L A Hadden*, BA *Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
School Chaplain: Ms C Brazier, BA, MSSCh, MBChA
Head of Futures: Ms G A Jackson, BSc
Heads of Departments:
Art: Ms C E Horry, MA
Biology: Mr P J Whatling, BSc
Chemistry: Mr E C Drysdale, BSc
Design, Technology & Engineering: Ms M Flack, BA
Digital Learning: Mr M Reed, MEng
Drama: Ms N L Akielan
Economics & Business Studies: Mrs J A Powell, BA
English: S E Poole, BA, MEd
Food & Nutrition and Textiles: Mrs L King, BSc
Geography: Mr S Wilson, BA
History & Politics: Mr O J Chipperton, MA
Maths: Mr A S Jessup, BSc, MA
Modern Foreign Languages: Mrs M Viruete Navarro, MA
French: Mr R E Knell, BA
Spanish: Mrs M Viruete Navarro, MA
Music: Mr D Gibbs, MA, FRCO
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics: Mrs C E Thomas, MA
Physical Education: Miss T M Lloyd, BSc
Physics: Mr C M Holmes, BSc, BA
Academic Support: Ms R Stewart, BEd
Director of Sport: Mr C K Lawrence, BSc
Outdoor Pursuits: Mr J Sweet, BA
Preparatory School:
Headmaster of Preparatory School: Mrs C Petrie, BSc
Senior Deputy Head (DSL): Mr O C Stokes, BEd, MEd
Deputy Head (Academic): Mrs R L Lambert, BEd
Head of Lower Prep: Mrs L K Collins, BA
Bursar & Clerk to the Governors: Mrs J F Agnew, LLB Hons, LLM
Head of Admissions: Mrs R White