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Scholarships & Bursaries
Bedford Modern School
Description: Main School 1
Description: Main School 2
Description: Main School 3
Description: Main School 4
Bedford Modern School
Org 1: HMC
Description: Bedford Modern School
Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 7NT
Telephone: 01234 332500
Instagram: @bedfordmodern
Age Range: Prep/Junior to 11, Senior to 18
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: A Level, GCSE
Scholarships Tick: Bursary
Bursaries and discounts: New entrant bursary, Existing pupil bursary/hardship award
All bursaries are means tested and the amount will, therefore, vary according to family circumstances. They can range from a small percentage of the fees up to payment of the full amount. We offer both academic and subject-specific bursaries in Sport, Art, Performance Arts, Music, IT and Design Technology.
You may apply for bursaries in the following year groups:
Academic – Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12
Music – Years 7, 9 and 12
Sport – Years 9 and 12 (and in exceptional circumstances Year 7)
Art, Design Technology and IT (ADIT) – Year 12
Performance Arts – Year 12
Please note: we have a limited fund to provide assistance with fees and assistance is not guaranteed if a place is offered.
For further details please contact: Admissions Manager, Bedford Modern School, Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7NT. Tel: 01234 332500 Email: admissions@bedmod.co.uk.
Bedford Modern School (BMS) is one of the Harpur Trust Schools in Bedford, sharing equally in the educational endowment bequeathed for the establishment of a school in Bedford by Sir William Harpur in 1566. Bedford Modern School was a Direct Grant Grammar School which became independent in 1976. It became co-educational in September 2003.
Number of Students. There are 268 students in the Junior School (aged 7–11) and 1,014 students in the Senior School and Sixth Form (aged 11–18).
(See also Bedford Modern Junior School entry in IAPS section.)
Facilities. The school occupies an attractive forty-acre wooded site to the north of Bedford. The main buildings date from 1974 and there have been substantial additions since that time, most notably an assembly hall and classrooms to the Junior School (2002); a Sixth Form Study Centre and Refectory (The Rutherford Building – 2006) and Library Resource Centre (2007). There are extensive facilities for Science, Design Technology, Information Technology, Music and Performance Arts. Each year group has its own common room.
A state-of-the-art Science Centre opened in September 2017. The exciting design provides current and future generations of BMS students with an inspirational learning environment.
The playing fields are all on the school site with extensive facilities for rugby, hockey, football, cricket and athletics, among other sports. There is also a large swimming pool, fitness suite, gym and sports hall. Recent additions include two large all-weather training areas and netball courts. The school shares a large and well-stocked boathouse with the other Harpur Trust Schools on the River Great Ouse.
Admissions. Students are admitted between the ages of 7 and 16. The School conducts its own entrance assessments which are held in January of the year prior to September entry.
Registration fee is £125.
Fees per annum (2023-2024). Tuition: Junior School £12,324, Senior School and Sixth Form £16,908.
Assistance with Fees. The school offers both academic and subject-specific bursaries in Sport, Art, Performance Arts, Music, IT and Design Technology. All bursaries are means-tested and are also dependent on a student’s academic success in the entrance assessments. Further details can be obtained from the BMS website at www.bedmod.co.uk/admissions/bursaries.
Curriculum. The Junior School (ages 7–11) curriculum covers Mathematics, English, Humanities (History, Geography and RE), Science, ICT, Design Technology, Modern Foreign Languages, PE and Games, Art, Drama, PSHE and Swimming.
In the Senior School, the curriculum includes all of the core subjects, as well as Design Technology, ICT, RE, PE, Music, Art and Drama. All students study French, German, and Spanish in Year 7 and Latin in Year 8 before making their GCSE subject choices. Students opt for ten GCSE subjects.
In the Sixth Form, students select four from a wide range of 27 subjects. The choice of subjects includes Computer Science, Politics, Economics, Business, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Design Technology, Classical Civilisation, Drama and Theatre Studies, PE, Psychology, and Film Studies. The majority will continue three subjects to A Level.
ICT Facilities. The school boasts a range of ICT facilities offering both staff and students an individual network account and email address so that they are able to access over 400 networked PCs across the school in addition to high-speed broadband internet access, wireless classroom laptop sets, networked printing, and an extensive subject software library including a range of training courseware material.
All standard classrooms are equipped with a computer linked to ceiling-mounted data projector and speakers. There are a number of interactive whiteboards and additional presentation equipment is also available for use.
Religious and Moral Education. The school is multi-faith and multicultural and personal, social and health education is a fundamental and well-established part of the timetable. There is also a dedicated Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in post who leads this important agenda.
Individual Care. Every student has a personal tutor, who supervises and takes an interest in their academic progress, co-curricular activities and sporting interests. Tutors meet with their tutees on a daily basis and there is at least one longer pastoral session each week. Each year group has its own common room for use at break and lunchtimes and other non-taught times with a study area and recreational facilities.
We believe that common sense and courtesy lie at the heart of pastoral care. We stress self-discipline and high standards of personal conduct. The tutorial system and the academic organisation are discrete, working in parallel to complement each other. We aim to provide a relaxed but purposeful environment; a culture in which all feel at ease and are ambitious to achieve their best.
Drama. Throughout the year there are several large-scale productions, a Drama Festival hosted for local schools and several smaller events. There are separate drama and dance studios and a 300-seat theatre. Speech and Drama is offered throughout the school, leading to LAMDA examinations. Ballet, tap and modern dance lessons follow the ISTD syllabus.
Music. Students can learn all of the orchestral and band instruments as well as piano, keyboard, guitar, electric guitar and singing. The school has a large variety of choirs, orchestra, bands and ensembles. Students can follow courses for GCSE and A Level Music. Music accommodation includes a music technology suite with ten MacBook Pro computers and state-of-the-art recording facilities.
Activities. There are many school societies and clubs catering for a variety of tastes and interests. The voluntary Combined Cadet Force is strong with Army, Navy and RAF sections. There is a structured programme of outdoor education which includes residential trips in Years 6, 7 and 8 with international expeditions available for older students. Outreach including community service and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme are very popular.
Sport. The major sports are rugby, football, cricket and rowing for boys and hockey, cricket, netball and rowing for girls. Additional activities include: table tennis, water polo, badminton, squash, cross-country, weights and fitness, fives, sevens, swimming, dance, athletics, rounders, tennis, climbing and gymnastics. There is regular representation at national, divisional and regional levels.
Higher Education. In 2023, 82% of Sixth Form students achieved grades awarded at A*-B and 80% of students went on to a degree course at their chosen university. This includes five students who achieved places at either Cambridge or Oxford, and ten students who secured courses to study Medicine or Veterinary Sciences.
Old Bedford Modernians’ Club. For further details on the school's alumni association, please visit www.obmclub.bedmod.co.uk.
Charitable status. Bedford Modern School is part of the Harpur Trust which is a Registered Charity, number 1066861. It includes in its aims the provision of high quality education for boys and girls.
Governors & Staff:
Governors and Staff:
Chair of School Governors: Shirley Jackson
Leadership Team:
Headmaster: Mr D Payne, MA Hons, PGCE, MEd
Senior Deputy Head: Mr A Whomsley, BA, QTS
Deputy Head (Academic and Innovation): Mr M Price, MA Cantab, PGCE
Deputy Head (Pastoral and Student Progress): Mrs J Goodacre, BA Hons, PGCE, MBA
Head of Junior School: Mrs P Pacyna, BA Hons, QTS
Director of Sixth Form: Mr J White, BEd Hons
Director of External Relations: Ms J Ridge, BA Hons
Director of Operations: Mr M Horn BEng Hons, PGDip, MA, CEng, FIMechE

Bedford Modern School
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