Bancroft’s school is an HMC co-educational school for approximately 1,100 pupils aged 7–18. Founded by the Drapers’ Company in 1737, as a result of a bequest from Francis Bancroft, the school still maintains its historic links with the City, combining the best of traditional values with innovative practices. The school moved to its present site at Woodford Wells in 1889. The fine Victorian quad was designed by Sir Arthur Blomfield, and provides a dining hall, chapel, library and classrooms. There have been many additions to the original buildings over the years, which have ensured that Bancroft’s has first-rate facilities, including a swimming pool and sports hall on site. Bancroft’s became fully co-educational in 1979. In 1990, a Preparatory school was opened, providing education for children aged 7–11. The school is committed to providing excellent value for money, as well as offering Assisted Places to those who could not otherwise attend the school.
The School offers a wide range of subjects at GCSE and A level and has a strong record of academic success. Virtually all Bancroftians progress to university, with about 15 each year to Oxford or Cambridge. On average, 75% of pupils will go on to study at Russell Group institutions. Bancroft’s has a very strong record of pupils studying medicine and dentistry.
The major sports for girls are hockey, netball, tennis and athletics; the main curricular games for boys are football, rugby, hockey, cricket and athletics. Swimming, badminton and basketball are also provided. The Physical Education programme includes gymnastics, trampolining, basketball and badminton.
The School has a Contingent of the CCF (both Army and RAF sections), a Sea Scout Unit, and a branch of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. The wide programme of concerts and plays throughout the school year offers opportunities for pupils of all age groups.
Preparatory School. The Prep School opened in September 1990, occupying purpose-built accommodation on a separate site within the school grounds. There are 12 classrooms, a hall, a library, a performing arts studio and specialist rooms for art and science. Although self-contained, the Prep School makes extensive use of the Senior School’s sports, music and drama facilities.
Admission. 66 places are available each year for boys and girls wishing to enter the Preparatory Department at 7+; entry tests take place in the January. Transfer to the Senior School is guaranteed. At 11+, there are another 60 places available for children entering Bancroft’s who sit an examination in Mathematics, English and a computer-based reasoning test in January. For candidates of other ages, individual arrangements are made. Applications for 7+ and 11+ entry must be made before 1 December in the year prior to entry. There is a direct entry for boys and girls into the Sixth Form dependent upon GCSE results and performance in the School’s 16+ entrance examination which is sat in the November of Year 11.
Scholarships. Academic awards are awarded on an honorary two-year basis at 11+ and 16+. Music awards are awarded at both 11+ and 16+, again for a two-year period; Music awards include tuition fees on one or two instruments. Drama, Art, Sports and Community awards are awarded to pupils already at Bancroft’s from Year 8 onwards. Pupils may be given awards at other points in their school careers. None of these awards carry fee remission.
Assisted Places, are available at age 11, which can cover the full fees. These are awarded based on disclosure of family finances and performance in the Entrance Examination. Two means-tested Assisted Places are available for entrants to the Prep School at age 7; these only cover Prep School fees. Assisted Places may also be available for entrants into the Sixth Form.
Fees per term (2024-2025). Senior School: £8,330, Prep School: £6,986. Fees include lunch and books.
Charitable status. Bancroft’s School is a Registered Charity, number 1068532. It exists to provide an academic education to able children.
Governors & Staff:
Chairman of the Governors: Sir Andrew Ford
Head: Mr A Frazer
Senior Deputy Head: Mrs K Shapiro
Deputy Head Academic (Acting): Mr A Gocoldas
Deputy Head Pastoral & Safe Guarding Lead: Mrs E F de Renzy Channer
Senior Tutor: Mr R B de Renzy Channer
Assistant Heads:
Mr J T M Barr (Pastoral)
Ms E C Burnside (Activities & The Co-Curriculum)
Mr J P Dickinson