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Newland House School
Description: NHS-Prospectus-2023-113
Newland House School
Org 1: IAPS
Description: Newland House School
Waldegrave Park, Twickenham, TW1 4TQ
Telephone: 020 8865 1234
Founded in 1897, Newland House is an Independent Prep School and Nursery for children from the ages of 3–13.
Located on a quiet residential street on the borders of Twickenham and Teddington, it is ideally situated for parents living in Richmond, Kingston, Whitton and Hampton. As one of the oldest and largest Prep schools in the area, Newland House offers history and tradition alongside modern facilities, progressive teaching methods and a vibrant community.
Age Range: Nursery, Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 13
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: Common Entrance to Senior, Current School to Senior
Chairman of Governors: Mr Andrew Gumpert
Head: Mr Chris Skelton, BSc, NPQH
Age Range. 3–13.
Number of Pupils. 267 Boys, 181 Girls.
Fees per term (2023-2024). Nursery from £2,690, Pre-Prep: £4,771, Prep: £5,323. Lunch is included in the fees.
Newland House School is divided into Nursery, Pre-Prep (Reception to Year 2), and Prep (Years 3 to 8). The Pre-Prep and Prep School sit on a 5-acre site, with Nursery just over the road. Classrooms are well equipped with interactive whiteboards and touch screens, and there is plenty of access to outdoor space. Facilities include two science labs, an excellent Design and Technology workshop, a purpose-built music block, as well as a state-of-the-art ICT suite and a well-stocked library. There are two large multi-functioning halls, one of which has been recently updated to include retractable seating and a new lighting and sound system to support the school’s ambitious drama productions.
Onsite sports facilities include two artificial grass pitches, a hard court and cricket nets. Just a short distance away, we use the extensive grounds of Bushy Park Sports Club for field sports.
The main entry points for joining Newland House School are at age 3 (into Nursery) and age 4 (into Reception). Entry to Nursery and Reception is non-selective, and places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Some pupils join in Year 7 for the Senior Prep years, but otherwise, there are no additional defined entry points. Admissions in Year 1 upwards are dependent on a place becoming available, and you can join the waiting list at any time. An offer will be subject to an informal assessment (Pre-Prep) or a more formal assessment (Prep).
The school is committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum and bringing out the full potential in every child. The school’s ISI Inspection in the summer of 2022 found that the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is ‘excellent’ and that the quality of pupils’ personal development is ‘excellent’.
The staff currently consists of 47 teachers. There are two Nursery assistants, each class up to Year 2 has a dedicated Teaching Assistant, and in the Prep, there are Teaching Assistants in Years 3 and 4. There is a well-resourced Learning Enrichment department that offers group interventions and one-to-one sessions as required. Pupils who are more able are challenged through interventions led by the More Able Pupils co-ordinator.
In the Early Years, the class teacher’s role is complemented by specialist teaching in Music, PE and French. Children in Years 3 and 4 are taught by specialists in Design and Technology, Music, Art, Drama, Games and PE, Swimming, French and Computing (ICT). From Year 5, Mathematics and English are taught in sets by specialist teachers. Science, History, Geography and Reasoning are also specialist subjects. In Year 6 upwards, Latin is introduced, and Spanish is taught from Year 7.
Children are well prepared for their senior school exams at 11+ or 13+ and leave as confident, empathic, and well-rounded individuals with a strong moral compass and an understanding of the role they play in society. They go on to a range of excellent schools, including Hampton, LEH, Kingston Grammar School, Surbiton, Epsom College, Reed’s, Halliford and St George’s. In 2023, 20 students achieved scholarships across academics, sports, and the Arts.
The core sports of football, netball, hockey, rugby and cricket are introduced through the Games curriculum. The ethos is ‘sport for all’, where each child gets the opportunity to develop to the best of their ability. Girls and boys have equal opportunities to participate in all sports offered. A commitment to inclusivity goes hand in hand with fostering a spirit of healthy competition. There are teams from A–F in many sports, so children get a chance to represent the school in regular competitive fixtures. Swimming is offered from Year 3 upwards. Every two years, there is a Senior cricket tour, with previous years’ destinations including Barbados and St. Lucia.
Pupils have timetabled Music lessons from Nursery to Year 8. Fifteen peripatetic music teachers offer lessons from Year 1 in a huge range of instruments, singing, music theory and music technology. Around 70% of children learn a musical instrument at school. There are 5 choirs, several wind and brass ensembles, 2 orchestras, and a jazz band. Each year there are around 25 concerts, as well as an annual European choir tour and the opportunity to perform in external competitions and local events.
In Design and Technology, pupils have access to a range of modern CAD/CAM equipment. Robotics, programming and problem-solving are taught as part of the curriculum and in STEM Club through VEQ Robotics and Sphero Education.
Pastoral support is excellent and ensures that every single child in the school feels safe, valued and cared for, allowing them to thrive and be happy. The Wellbeing Coordinator, along with Tilly, the therapy dog, offers extra support if needed.
The educational visits program is extensive, and children benefit from local trips as well as international ones to enrich the curriculum and broaden their horizons.
Over 70 extracurricular clubs are on offer, allowing children to explore their passions or discover new ones, hone their skills and build confidence. The options available include fencing, golf, karate, chess, entrepreneur club, Money Matters, African drumming, dance, mindfulness and coding, and many more.
The school provides wraparound care from 7.30 am to 8.20 am and from 3.50 pm until 6 pm, and there are three daily bus services before and after school to support busy parents.
Charitable status: The Newland House School Trust Limited is a Registered Charity, number 312670. It exists to promote and provide for the advancement of education for children.

Newland House School
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