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Haberdashers’ Boys’ Prep & Pre-Prep School
Haberdashers Boys Prep & Pre-Prep School
Org 1: IAPS
Butterfly Lane, Elstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3AF
Telephone: 020 8266 1779
Age Range: Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 11
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Boys
Chair of the Board of Governors: Mr S Cartmell, OBE
Headmaster: Mr R D Sykes
Head of Prep School: Mrs Michelle Best
Deputy Head (Pastoral): Mr P Swindell
Deputy Head (Academic): Mrs M Best
Head of Pre-Prep School: Ms V Huggett
Age range. Prep 4–11.
Number of boys. Prep 223, Pre-Prep 120.
Fees per term (2023-2024). Pre-Prep: £6,348 (including lunch); Prep: £7,747.
The Preparatory School at Habs has been the top-performing independent boys’ school in the country. It is vibrant with the energy and curiosity of over 300 boys aged 4–11 from a wide range of local schools and communities. It is a very special place to work and play.
It is housed in a purpose-designed building, opened by HRH The Princess Margaret, Citizen and Haberdasher, in 1983, on the same campus as the Senior School. The bright, cheerful classrooms provide a welcoming and stimulating environment. The Prep enjoys a unique mix of family atmosphere and close links with the Senior School. The boys are able to share the wonderful facilities and grounds of the Senior School, including the Sports Centre, the heated indoor Swimming Pool, the Music School and the Dining Room. The brand new Pre-Prep building opened in January 2023, housing students from Reception–Year 2.
The relationship between the Preparatory staff and their forms is close and friendly, within a context of firm discipline. In this environment, brimming with opportunities, the school ensures an education of breadth and depth extending well beyond national guidelines.
Sport and games play a major role in the boys’ week, offering fitness and fun to all. Indeed, the sporting ethos of team spirit and fair play underpins the whole structure of Prep School life.
The arts spring to life in a wealth of musical, dramatic and artistic activity, guided by specialists whose passion for their subject is matched by the enthusiasm of their pupils.
Every boy is a musician for at least one year when he studies an orchestral instrument of his choice, free of charge, through the Music Scheme; many of these fledgling musicians eventually make their way into the Senior School’s First Orchestra.
There are many clubs and societies; however, boys with some special interest often start their own, supported by staff, and eagerly attended by those of like mind. Some boys also stay on to enjoy extra play time with their friends or to do their homework and to have tea. The After-school Care Facility is equipped with bean bags, games and sports equipment.
Boys are admitted each September after assessments to the Pre-Prep at the age of 5+ and to the Prep at 7+. Boys are expected to move into the Senior School at 11. Most boys will flourish in the Senior School as they have in the Prep, and the transition is made as natural as possible. A qualifying examination assures candidates that the Senior School is right for them and they are given help preparing for the different pace and rhythms they will find there. (For further details, please see entry in HMC section.)
Charitable status. The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Charity is a Registered Charity, number 313996. It exists to promote education.

Haberdashers’ Boys’ Prep & Pre-Prep School
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