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The English School
Description: TES-0320120122KG-1-2-3
Description: TES0090200323PANTASTIC
Description: TES093-121023
Description: TES-160230523swimclass
Description: TES-285-0124236th Science
Description: DJI_0108
Description: TES-0178121222WinterConcert
The English School Kuwait
Org 1: IAPSO
Description: The English School Kuwait
PO Box 379, 13004 Salmiya, Kuwait
Telephone: 00 965 22271385
Instagram: @tes_kuwait
Age Range: Nursery, Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 13
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: Common Entrance to Senior, Current School to Senior
Owner: Mr Emad Mohamed Al-Bahar
Chair of the Governing Committee: Brigadier Gavin Thompson
Head: Alison Peterson
Age range. 3–13.
Number of pupils. 660.
Fees per annum (2024-2025). Kindergarten: KD1,741; Pre-Preparatory (Rec, Year 1 and Year 2): KD2,735; Lower Preparatory (Years 3–6): KD3,135; Upper Preparatory (Years 7 and 8): KD3,435.
The English School, founded in 1953 under the auspices of the British Embassy, is the longest established school in Kuwait catering for the expatriate community. The school operates as a not-for-profit, private co-educational establishment providing the highest standards in education for children of Pre-Kindergarten to Preparatory school age. The school is registered with the UK Department for Education (DfE No 703 6052) and the Head is a Member of the Independent Association of Prep Schools.
TES is an Accredited Member of BSME, of COBIS, and is also accredited as a British School Overseas with the DfE and listed as a ‘world class British school’. Uniquely in Kuwait, the language of the playground is English. The roll is predominantly British, as are the resources and texts. With the exception of foreign language teachers, the teaching staff are also predominantly British and qualified in the UK. The number of pupils in the school continues to increase although the average class size remains around 22. The school is housed in well-resourced and spacious, fully air-conditioned premises in a pleasant residential suburb of Kuwait City.
The curriculum is British, contemporary and delivers the best of traditional standards within a broad-based structure. Class teachers are supported by specialist coordinators in Art, Science, Design and Technology, Information Technology, Music, Library and PE and Games. Music is taught to all ages and French is introduced from Year 4. The National Curriculum for England is used as the core for the curriculum, although the most able are challenged and those in need of support benefit from individual tuition.
Formal end of key stage assessment takes place in Years 2 and 6. In addition the pupils are prepared for entrance tests to other schools including, where appropriate, Common Entrance Examinations at 11+, 12+ and 13+, and scholarship examinations. Pupils in Years 3–8 use iPads as an integral tool and part of their teaching and learning. Pupils in Year 2 and below have access to banks of school iPads. The school’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) is also at the heart of the pupils’ studies and the development of skills for learning drive the school’s innovative approach to teaching and learning.
Responsibility for the school is vested in the Governing Committee whose members serve in a voluntary capacity. The school provides a learning environment within which children develop their individual capacity for achievement to its fullest potential. The school’s core values of Confidence, Empathy, Integrity, Positivity and Respect are at the heart of all that it does. Strong emphasis is placed on academic study, together with a wide range of non-academic activities to provide breadth and balance. The school aims to ensure that, by achieving standards at least equivalent and often better than those of competitive private and state schools in Britain, pupils are well prepared for the subsequent stages of their academic development whether in Britain, Kuwait or elsewhere in the world.
In the first instance application for enrolment should be made online via the website: www.tes.edu.kw/594/admissions/admissions-form.
The Admissions Team will confirm receipt of the Online Application Form. If there are places in the year requested, the School will ask for copies of current academic reports and arrange a date for the child(ren) to be assessed. Where possible for children entering Year 3 and above, part of this assessment will be an online test. Pupils and parents will then be invited to attend one of the school’s ‘Welcome and Assessment Days’ prior to the start of the academic year.

The English School
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