Age range. 4 to 11.
Number of pupils. 168 pupils: 85 boys, 83 girls.
Fees per term (2024-2025). £3,665 (Reception to Year 2) and £4,091 (Years 3–6).
Bradford Grammar Junior School is a selective school for boys and girls aged 4 to 11, holding no catchment boundaries and a strong reputation for specialist teaching.
The school seeks to inspire happy, respectful and grounded children, who are ready for the transition to Senior School. The school’s aim is to provide exceptional care in a nurturing atmosphere so that each child can thrive.
Location. Bradford Grammar Junior School is located at the same site as the Senior School at Keighley Road, Bradford. It is housed in an original 17th century manor house called Clock House and an additional new building for Reception and Year 1.
Specialist facilities. The school offers pupils a wide range of specialist facilities, including a swimming pool, theatre, an outdoor classroom, outdoor performance space, all-natural adventure playground, instrumental music tuition and dedicated Computer Science and Design Technology rooms. Full use is made of the Senior School facilities including Science laboratories, Sports facilities and Art rooms.
Specialist teaching. In Reception to Year 4 (ages 4 to 9), pupils are taught the majority of subjects by form teachers and are based in their classrooms, with specialist teaching in Modern Foreign Languages, Music, PE/Games and also, from Year 2, Art and Computing. In Years 5 and 6, pupils have increasing input from specialist teachers, utilising the extensive facilities throughout the whole school.
Co-curricular activities. The Junior School offers a wide and varied range of co-curricular activities which mainly take place during the lunch break. All pupils are encouraged to participate in at least two different activities each week. These may include netball, hockey, rugby, swimming, cross country, cricket, football, rounders, athletics, table tennis, dance, design technology, computing, Lego robotics, craft, art, board games, gardening, choir, orchestra, wind band, string group, guitar group and samba band.
Pastoral care. Form Teachers are closely involved with the wellbeing of the children in their form and all of our teachers have a good knowledge of, and relationship with, the pupils. We encourage open communication between school and home and hope parents will keep in close contact with us. A child’s progress and happiness are our priorities. We promote good manners and respect for others throughout the School and believe that this is an important aspect of all pupils’ education.
After-care. Bradford Grammar Junior School provides before- and after-school care from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm.
Transport links. The school organises private coach transport for pupils travelling to and from Huddersfield, Halifax, Bramhope, Horsforth, Rawdon, Wharfedale and Oxenhope. It is situated a short walk from Frizinghall Railway Station, which is on the Airedale and Wharfedale lines. There are half-hourly rail services, taking approximately 30 minutes, to Leeds, Skipton, Ilkley and Apperley Bridge.
Entry. The school is selective and takes a number of pupils each year for entry from Reception (ages 4 to 5) through to Year 6 (ages 10 to 11). Entry to Reception is by a one-to-one play-based assessment in school. Age-appropriate assessments in Maths and English are taken for entry to Years 1 to 4 (ages 5 to 8). Entry to Years 5 and 6 (ages 9 and 10) is by entrance examination and involves tests in Maths and English.
Pupils who progress from Bradford Grammar School Junior School to the Senior School are not required to sit the 11+ entrance exam. The close relationship between the two schools enables a smooth transition from Junior to Senior School. A small number of academic awards are available to Junior School pupils progressing to the Senior School via a scholarship examination.
Charitable status. Bradford Grammar School (The Free Grammar School of King Charles II at Bradford) is a Registered Charity, number 529113. It exists to provide education for children.