Age Range. 11-18.
Number of Pupils. 939.
Fees per term (2024-2025). £6,994, including VAT.
School Aims. RGS Worcester Family of Schools provides an excellent all-round education for children aged 2–18 years, developing character, intellect, physical and emotional well-being and cultural understanding within a supportive community.
The Schools aim to cultivate an ethos in which each pupil is cared for individually, valued equally and achieves their potential by:
•Encouraging the growth of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a positive attitude to learning, through a broad, coherent and balanced curriculum, the use of digital technology to enhance teaching and learning, and educational and enrichment opportunities
•Developing in every child quiet self-confidence, aspiration, responsibility, resilience, spiritual values and a personal moral code, consideration for others, tolerance and understanding of other cultures
•Offering a wide range of co-curricular activities which children can develop their social, sporting and cultural interests, explore and enhance their leadership skills and learn the importance of working together
•Promoting opportunities for higher education and career options, and creating an awareness of the world beyond the School and a sense of service to the local and wider community
History. The Royal Grammar School Worcester was founded around 1291, received its Elizabethan Charter in 1561 and was granted its ‘Royal’ title by Queen Victoria in 1869. The Alice Ottley School was founded in 1883 as Worcester High School for Girls. The two schools merged to form RGS Worcester & The Alice Ottley School in September 2007 and was renamed RGS Worcester in September 2009.
Location and Buildings. The Senior School is situated a few minutes’ walk from the centre of the City and is convenient for rail and bus stations.
Educational facilities are outstanding: Sports Halls, specialist Art, IT, Technology and Textiles rooms, a Performing Arts Theatre, Library, Science Block, Music Technology room, and a Lecture Theatre, as well as several assembly halls. The playing fields and boathouse are close by.
There are three co-educational Preparatory Schools: RGS The Grange, set in 50 acres of grounds to the north of the city; RGS Springfield, housed in a beautiful Georgian building in the centre of the nearby Britannia Square, secluded and secure, it benefits from its close proximity to the Senior School; and RGS Dodderhill in Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire. All three have a co-ed nursery from the age of 2. RGS Dodderhill also has a Senior School for girls only from 11–16.
Curriculum. Pupils follow a common curriculum for the first three years in the Senior School which includes the usual academic subjects, plus IT, Design Technology, Music, Drama and PE. The GCSE option arrangements (Years 10 and 11) allow a wide choice, giving a balanced curriculum which does not prejudice subsequent career decisions. Most members of the Sixth Form study at least three subjects to A Level, a BTEC and CTEC are also on offer. The School's Digital Learning Programme is an integral part of the teaching and learning experience.
Careers. A member of Inspiring Futures, the award-winning careers service is readily available and the Head of Careers is responsible for ensuring that all pupils receive basic careers education, and subsequently, access to all the necessary information and experience on which a sound decision may be made regarding future career and Further or Higher Education.
Physical Activities. A wide range of sporting interests and abilities is catered for. Sports include: Rugby Football, Association Football, Cricket, Athletics, Netball, Hockey, Cross-Country Running and Rowing.
Outdoor Pursuits. Combined Cadet Force comprises Royal Navy, Army and Air Force sections. Good opportunities exist for attachments to regular units in the UK and abroad for flying, leadership and adventure training. Those who choose The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme may work for their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, and undertake adventure training and community service.
Other Activities. There is a wide range of clubs and societies, with school productions taking place each term. School music is also strong: there is a Big Band, several brass ensembles, choirs and smaller vocal ensembles, and a very popular Jazz Band. The School fosters a range of international links including regular exchanges with schools in France, Germany, Spain, China and the USA.
September Admission. This is by examination held in January/February, mainly at 11+ but also at 12+ and 13+. Admission into the Sixth Form is on the basis of a test, interview and GCSE results. Exceptionally, pupils may also be examined and admitted at other points in the year. Admission to the Preparatory Schools is by an assessment from age 6+ and by classroom visit before this age.
Scholarships and Bursaries. Scholarships are offered for academic achievement as well as for music, art, design, textiles, drama and sport of up to 50% remission of fees. Bursaries of up to 100% are also available according to parental means and academic potential.
Charitable status. RGS Worcester is a Registered Charity, number 1120644. The aim of the charity is the education of boys and girls.