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School Profile
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Scholarships & Bursaries
The King’s School
The Kings School Chester
Org 1: HMC
Description: The Kings School Chester
Wrexham Road, Chester, CH4 7QL
Telephone: 01244 689500
Motto: Rex Dedit, Benedicat Deus
Key dates: Autumn term: Thursday 7 September 2023 to Friday 15 December 2023
Half term: Monday 23 October 2023 to Friday 3 November 2023

Spring term: Thursday 4 January 2024 to Friday 22 March 2024
Half term: Monday 12 February 2024 to Friday 16 February 2024

Summer term: Thursday 11 April 2024 to Thursday 4 July 2024
Half term: Monday 27 May 2024 to Friday 31 May 2024
Age Range: Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 11, Senior to 18
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: A Level, GCSE
Scholarships Tick: Academic
Bursaries and discounts: New entrant bursary
The School was founded AD 1541 by King Henry VIII, in conjunction with the Cathedral Church of Chester. It was reorganised under the Endowed Schools Act in 1873, and by subsequent schemes of the Ministry of Education. The School is now Independent. The aim of the School is to prepare pupils for admission to Universities and the professions, and at the same time provide a liberal education.
Organisation. The School, which at present numbers 1154, consists of (i) an Infant School for pupils aged 4 to 7 years, (ii) a Junior School for pupils aged 7 to 11 years, and (iii) the Senior School. The Infant and Junior Schools are housed in separate buildings, but are run in collaboration with the Senior School. On entry to Shells (2nd year of the Senior School) pupils are placed in one of eight houses; every student has a tutor who oversees their progress and welfare throughout their school career.
Admission. Please refer to our admissions policy which outlines the criteria and selection process for entry: www.kingschester.co.uk/policies. Selection is by academic merit alone.
Academic. Departments are grouped into four Faculties whose Heads report to the Academic Deputy Head. The subjects offered for study in the Sixth Form are – on the Arts side: Art, Business, Classical Studies, Drama, Economics, English, English Language, French, Geography, German, History, Latin, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Religious Studies, Spanish; and on the Science side: Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Sports Science and Design Technology. It is possible to take most combinations of subjects in the Sixth Form.
Spiritual life. The School is part of the Cathedral Foundation and regularly holds its own services in the Cathedral. Spiritual assemblies are held regularly in school.
Music. Music is part of the general curriculum for all pupils up to the age of 14. After this music may be taken at GCSE and A Level. Private tuition in orchestral instruments, piano and organ is available. There are many musical ensembles and choral groups including the Schola Cantorum which leads the worship in Cathedral services.
Cadet Corps. There is a CCF contingent which gives pupils opportunities to develop leadership skills and to undertake adventurous training.
Outdoor education. Opportunities are provided both within and outside the curriculum for outdoor education, and all pupils in each of the first three years of the senior school spend some days away at centres specialising in outdoor activities. In addition many pupils participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme at all levels.
Games. Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Cricket, Rowing, Swimming, Badminton, Basketball, Athletics, Netball, Tennis, Squash, Golf, Rounders.
Buildings. Formerly situated adjacent to the Cathedral, the school moved into new buildings in 1960 situated in rural surroundings nearly 2 miles from the centre of Chester. Since then there has been an impressive programme of additional building development. These include the Wickson Library, a new Music School, the Vanbrugh Theatre and extensions to the Sixth Form Centre. In September 2014 the Junior School was extended to provide a new Junior School Library and Learning Centre, and in September 2015 a purpose-built Infant School was opened by the Duke of Westminster. A state-of-the-art Sports Centre opened in April 2019, The Rohan Ingley Pastoral Centre in 2021 and the redevelopment of the sixth form centre is underway with completion due in 2023.
Alumni associations. Please see the website (www.kingschester.co.uk/alumni) for details of OAKS (the Organisation for the Alumni of the King’s School) and CAOKS (Chester Association of Old King’s Scholars).
Fees per term (2023-2024). Tuition: Senior School £5,260; Junior School £4,032; Infants £3,557.
The School offers a small number of bursaries annually.
Scholarships. Academic scholarships of up to £500 are awarded to pupils during their early years in the Senior School. Scholars carry the title ‘King’s Scholar’ throughout their time at the school.
Tenable in the Sixth Form: A number of scholarships are awarded to students on entry to the Sixth Form and during their Sixth form years. These include: (1) Keith Oates Scholarship: £1,000; (2) Investec Scholarship: £1,000; (3) King’s School Parents’ Association Scholarship: £500.
Tenable at Universities: (1) Old King’s Scholars Exhibition: £750; (2) Robert Platt Exhibition: £500; (3) John Churton Exhibition: £500; (4) Haswell Exhibition: £500; (5) Finchett Maddock Exhibition: £500.
Charitable status. The King’s School, Chester is a Registered Charity, number 525934. The aim of the charity is to provide a sound education to all boys and girls who can benefit from it regardless of their economic and social background.
Governors & Staff:
Mrs S J Verity, BSc (Chair)
A J Bartley, KC
A Bentley
Mrs J M Carr, BA, FCA
J B Ebo
Mrs N Dowling
Mrs C A Edwards, MA
Miss C Gillies
Mrs D Leonard
D K Rowlands
M Sayer
The Venerable T R Stratford, BSc, PhD, Dean of Chester
Ms M Troy
J Walsh
Clerk to the Governors: Mrs H A Jordan, FInstML, MCGI
Headmaster: G J Hartley, MA Cantab, MSc
Deputy Head (Operations) T M Gill, MA
Deputy Head (Academic): J E Millard, BA
Deputy Head (Pastoral): Mrs C Sumner, BA
Head of Sixth Form: J P Carter, MA
Director of Studies: A J Dewbery, MA
Assistant Head (Pastoral): S F Prest, MA
Director of Learning Support: Mrs S Glass, BA
Assistant staff:
* Head of Department
Art and Design:
*S Downey, BA (Head of Faculty – Creative Arts & PE)
Ms L Black, BA
Mrs A L Hollingworth, BA (Assistant Head of Sixth Form)
*R H Jones, BSc, PhD
J A Dunn, MSc
Dr H C Faulkner, BSc, DPhil (Head of Faculty – Science)
L A Parkes, BSc, MSc (Assistant Head of Sixth Form)
Mrs O Wilkinson, BSc
*A Cook, BSc, PhD
Dr C A Gleave, BSc, PhD
Dr J R Macnab, BSc, PhD
Mrs K L Russon, BSc
Dr S Wharton
*Mrs K Birch, BA
Mrs C Collier, BA
Design Technology:
*R J Curtis, BSc
Ms L Black, BA
Miss S J Champion, BA
Ms N Corrigan
*Mrs C L Howdon, BA
Mrs R Hamer
Mrs J Williams, BA, MA
Economics & Business:
*S D Walton, BA, MSc
R Conroy, BA
M Harris, BA
Miss R Hillier, BA, MSc
Mrs C A Rule, BA
*R J Aldridge, BA, MBA
M A Boyd, BA (Head of Werburgh House)
Mrs C Ditchburn
Mrs E Howard
Ms P McKeown
Miss E Sherriff (Head of Removes)
C Tomkins
*M J Prestshaw, BSc MEd, MRes
Mrs R H Aldridge, BA (Head of Walsh House)
J A D Blackham, BA (Head of Grosvenor House)
Mrs A M McNabb, BA (Head of Bradbury House)
History & Politics:
*P G Neal, BA
J P Carter, MA (Head of Sixth Form)
Mrs G K Chadwick, BA
R J M Hensman, BA, MA, PhD
S Neal, BA (Head of Faculty - Languages & Humanities)
Information Technology:
*O Hall, BA
A J Dewbery, MA
A Phoenix Holland
Mrs E E Simpson, BA, MBA
*Mrs C E Lanceley, BSc
S D Bibby, BSc
Mrs S Cooper, BSc
A J Dewbery, MA
D Gibbon, BSc
Mrs A Ignata, BSc
Mrs C Plass, BSc
Mrs C N Ranson, BSc
Miss D Roberts, BSc
Mrs H E Sugarman, MMath
Modern Languages:
*Miss L E McCutcheon
M D Bircham, BA
Mrs M R Hartley, BA
Miss E Higgins
Mrs C Irvine, BA
Mrs M Rowley Williams, BA, MEd [maternity leave]
Mrs R E Webb, BA (Head of Gladstone House)
*Ms D L Neal, BMus, MA (Director of Music)
Mrs K Bannerjee, BMus
M Lansom, BSc (Head of Strings)
Mrs V L S Latifa, BMus (Head of Dutton House)
J E Millard, BA
Personal & Social Education:
*M S Lee, MA
Philosophy & Theology:
*J R Rees, BA
M S Lee, MA
Ms J E Rutberg, MA (Head of Faculty – Social Sciences & Maths)
Physical Education:
*R Lunn, BEd (Director of Sport)
Mrs K Jones, BA (Assistant Director of Sport; Head of Fox House)
S Egerton, BA
Miss E L Halstead, BA
B Horne, BSc
R I Hornby, BA
*S Bosworth, MA, DPhil, FRAS
Ms H M Davies, BSc, MSc
N Heritage, MSc, PhD, MInstP, CPhys
B Horne, BSc
Mrs K Scutter, BSc
*R Hornby, BA
Miss G Bramham, BSc
Head of Junior School & Infant School: Mrs M A Ainsworth, LLB, MEd
Deputy Head (Junior School): A Griffiths, BA
Director of Studies (Junior School): T W Griffin, BA
Deputy Head (Infant School): Mrs J C Callaghan, BEd
Assistant Staff (Junior School & Infant School):
Miss J M Anderson, BA, CertEd
Mrs J Benson, BA
T Blakemore, BA Ed
Miss J Davies, BA
H J Duncalf, BEd
Mrs D Grove, BA
Miss J M L Hartley, BA
K A Hollingworth, BEd
Miss S Ley, BA
J B Melville, BEd
Mrs N C M Moffatt, BA
Mrs L Morrice Evans, BA
Mrs M D O’Leary, BA
D M O’Neil, BSc
Mrs S Parker, BEd
Miss K A Savage, BA
J N Spellman, BEd
Mrs N J Stevens, BMus
Mrs A Stevenson, BEd
Mrs N M Tomlinson, BA
Mrs S Tomlinson, BEd
Mrs C Williams, BA
Mrs K Williams, BEd
Visiting Music Teachers:
W Armstrong, BA, PGRNCM (Oboe)
Ms M Blythin, BA (Harp & Piano)
Miss B Griffiths, BMus (Piano)
S J Hall, BSc (Bass Guitar)
Ms S Marrs, FTCL (Voice)
N Middleton, BA (Drums)
D Ortiz, BMus (Head of Brass)
A Parker, MA (Saxophone)
M Reynolds, BA (Piano)
Mrs J Richardson, CT ABRSM, ATCL (Flute)
Extra-Curricular Staff:
Director of Rowing: J A D Blackham, BA
Contingent Commander, CCF: Maj M S Lee, MA
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Coordinator: D A Brown
Educational Visits Coordinator: R I D Hornby, BA
Director of Finance & Operations: Mrs H Jordan
Director of Human Resources: Mrs A H Millard, BSc, MCIPD
Director of Marketing, Communications & Partnerships: Mrs S O'Donnell
Director of ICT: J K Warne, BSc, MCSA
Admissions Manager: Mrs E R Sears, BA
Head Librarian & Archivist: vacant
Examinations Officer: vacant
School Nurse: Mrs L Jones, RN
Care Scheme Manager: vacant
Headmaster’s PA: Mrs E Paul, BSc

The King’s School
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