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Epsom College
Description: Epsom Aerial with Flag
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Epsom College
Org 1: HMC
Description: Epsom College
College Road, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4JQ
Telephone: 01372 821004 (Head)
01372 821234 (Director of Admissions)
01372 821133 (Bursar)
Motto: Deo non Fortuna
Age Range: Senior to 18
Day or Boarding: Day, Weekly Boarding, Full Boarding
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: GCSE, A Level, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Scholarships Tick: Academic, Drama, Music, Sport
Bursaries and discounts: New entrant bursary, Existing pupil bursary/hardship award
Founded in 1855, Epsom College is a boarding and day school for girls and boys aged 11–18, situated in 72 acres of parkland estate close to Epsom Downs and is only 15 miles from central London. The College was voted Independent School of the Year in 2022 (both as the overall winner, and as school of the year for student wellbeing).
In 2022, A Levels were 62% A*-A, and 85% A*-B. Over half of all students achieved a clean sweep of A*-As. At GCSE, 54% of all grades were 9-8 (A*) and 74% were 9-7 (A*-A).
Almost all leavers go on to degree courses, especially at research-led universities. The Russell Group universities are particularly popular, with Bristol, Durham, and Oxford and Cambridge strongly represented each year. Increasingly our pupils study overseas, with places at US universities on the rise.
Boarding is central to the College with many of our boarders – both weekly and full boarders – living within 25 miles. The House system ensures a strong sense of community and support. All pupils, whether day, weekly or full boarders, are placed within one of our 13 Houses. Year groups mix, and a strong sense of pride in the House, and care for fellow pupils of all ages is encouraged.
All pupils, no matter whether they board, benefit from our traditional boarding school model which features longer days and Saturday school. This creates space in our timetable for pupils to benefit from more than academic studies alone.
In any given week, pupils will have their Duke of Edinburgh, CCF or volunteering in the local community programme as part of their timetabled routine. They will also enjoy an abundance of sport and co-curricular activities (ranging from activities that earn valuable UCAS point, to activities that stimulate mind, body and soul – such as yoga, dance, art, photography, debating, first aid, and much more besides).
Numbers and Houses. There are 1,100 pupils in the School, around 60% are day pupils. There are 382 in the Sixth Form and 180 in the Lower School (Years 7 and 8).
Around 16% of pupils are from overseas and there is a spread of 38 nationalities.
The school is fully co-ed, with a 50/50 split in Years 7 and 8, and a 60/40 male to female split in the senior years. There are 6 separate houses for girls: two boarding houses, Crawfurd and Wilson; three day houses, Murrell, Raven and Rosebery; and White House, for both boarding and day girls.
The boys’ boarding houses are: Fayrer, Forest, Granville and Holman. All boarding Sixth and Fifth Formers and Upper Fourth Formers have study-bedrooms in the modernised Houses.
In the Michaelmas Term there are two weekend exeats roughly halfway through each half term, in addition to a two-week half-term holiday. In each of the other two terms there is one exeat in the first half followed by a one-week half-term holiday. Weekly boarders can go home every weekend.
The day boy Houses are: Carr, Propert and Robinson. Day boys and girls are full members of the School community and have lunch and tea in College. All members of the School, boarders and day, eat centrally in the Dining Room which makes for efficiency and strengthens the sense of community.
Pupils who are ill are looked after in the School Medical Centre which has a qualified sister always on duty.
Academic Work. In the Lower School the design of the curriculum follows a number of key principles: Skills for the future, learning to learn, well-being and 21st century education. Outside of the normal curriculum, all pupils have timetabled wellbeing and mindfulness, service in the community, and are able to select from a carousel of 150 co-curricular activities, encompassing everything from gardening to STEM.
Middle Fourth (Year 9) pupils take English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Religious Studies, Drama, Geography, History, Art, Music, a Modern Language (French, German, Spanish or Mandarin), Computer Science and Design Technology. Pupils can then choose to study a second modern language, Latin or Classical Civilisation, or an additional Creative Arts subject (Design & Technology, Art or Music). With the exception of Maths and Languages, setting continues to be mixed ability.
Pupils will choose their GCSEs at the end of Year 9 to commence study in Year 10. They take 10 subjects, seven are compulsory, three can be chosen. The compulsory subjects are English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and a Modern or Classical Language (from French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Latin or Classical Civilisation). The optional three subjects are taken from Art, Computer Science, Design & Technology, Drama, French, Geography, History, Latin, Music, Photography, PE, Religious Studies or Spanish.
Almost everyone then enters the Sixth Form. Students will choose 3 principal subjects to study at A Level. These will then be enhanced by choices from the core curriculum where they can choose from: Core Maths, US College Board Advanced Placement in English Language and Composition, Extended Project Qualification, International Certificate in Digital Literacy or Young Enterprise. They will also benefit from a varied lecture programme and Epsom’s award-winning service programme. A wide range of A Level subjects are offered. Options in Business, Politics and Government, Photography, Psychology and Economics are introduced to complement the broad range of subjects already available at GCSE. The courses are linear meaning all examinations are taken at the end of Upper Sixth.
There are excellent facilities for work in one’s own study, in the main Library or one of the specialist Departmental Libraries.
Higher Education. Almost all students go on to university, with the occasional student choosing to follow another path, such as Art Foundation. In recent years, Medicine, Law, Engineering, Economics and Business degrees have proved particularly popular degree options, but Epsom students have been successful in gaining places on a broad variety of competitive courses. 82% of all pupils go to Russell Group universities each year. Overseas universities – particularly in the US – are increasingly popular, with 11% of 2022’s leavers choosing this route. Epsom has a dedicated programme to support overseas applications.
Careers. Careers education is offered from the first term at Epsom and is particularly well developed in the Sixth Form. Epsom has an experienced team of careers tutors with specialists in Medicine, Oxbridge Entrance, Engineering and American University Entrance. Much care is taken to assess a pupil’s potential and aptitude and to provide proper guidance on careers. All pupils belong to Inspiring Futures and all Fifth Form pupils take careers aptitude tests through their Futurewise programme. There is a well-established work experience programme and a Careers Convention is organised each year for the Fifth Form and Lower Sixth. The College also hosts a GAP Year Fair.
The Religious Teaching and the Chapel Services follow the doctrines of the Church of England, but there are always pupils of other denominations and faiths. Multi-faith services take place regularly. There is a Senior Chaplain who works together with a visiting Rabbi and a Hindu priest to ensure a multi-faith approach. Muslim pupils attend prayers at the College.
Games and other Activities. Games contribute much to the general physical development of girls and boys at Epsom and the College has a strong tradition of high standards in many sports. The very large number of teams means that almost all pupils are able to represent the School each year. A wide range of sports is available: Rugby, Hockey, Netball, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics and Swimming, Squash (6 courts), Target Rifle Shooting (with an indoor range), Football, Cross-Country, Golf, Badminton, Rounders, and Basketball. The Indoor Sports Centre, housing two sports halls, squash courts, a fitness centre and gym, and climbing wall, was opened in 1989 by the Patron of Epsom College, Her Majesty The Queen.
The Target Rifle Team has a long history of excellence at Target Rifle Shooting, both small-bore and full-bore, and over the last 20 years has consistently been the premier rifle shooting school in the UK. The College Rifle team has won the National Championships – the Ashburton Shield – 14 times in the past 26 years and 15 times overall. The College holds the record for the highest number of Ashburton wins by a single school.
The CCF has Naval, Army and RAF Sections and pupils over the age of 14 are expected to join for 2 years when much time is spent on camping and expeditions. Older boys and girls may join instead The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, while others are involved with the service programme in Epsom where they contribute to the community and take a leadership role in service projects.
The College ensures that all pupils take advantage of an extensive range of activities from Dance to Design Textiles. Over 150 clubs and societies are accessible each week, and the co-curricular programme at the College has been ranked as the ‘best of the best in UK independent education’ by The Week magazine.
Music, Art and Drama. There are three full-time Music teachers and a large staff of visiting music teachers. Over one-third of the pupils learn musical instruments and virtually any instrument can be taught, and many take singing lessons. There are four Choirs, a School Orchestra and seven major instrumental ensembles, including Big Band, Clarinet, Saxophone and Classical Guitar. Visits are arranged each term to concerts in London and elsewhere. The Music School has a Concert Hall and 18 practice rooms. Recent productions have included Footloose, Spamalot, The Sound of Music, Les Misérables, Jesus Christ Superstar and Cabaret.
Art, which includes pottery, printing and sculpture as well as painting and drawing, is housed in a spacious building with 8 studios, a Library, an Exhibition Room and an Exhibition Hall. There are two full-time Art teachers and one part-time, and Art is studied up to GCSE and A Level.
There are several major Drama productions each year, from classical theatre to the modern musical, produced by a range of staff and pupils. These give boys and girls an opportunity to develop their talents and interests in Drama.
Admission. Almost all pupils enter Epsom College in September. There are 3 entry levels: 11+, 13+ and 16+.
For those entering at 11+ candidates will be assessed for entry in January of Year 6. They will sit papers in English, Mathematics non-verbal and verbal reasoning, and these tests will be supported by a short interview and a report from their current school.
Pupils wishing to enter at 13+ sit our entrance exam in their Year 6 and are offered a deferred place, conditional upon maintaining the same standards at the present school. Some enter the school later than this and there is always a direct entry into the Sixth Form, both for girls and boys.
A boy or girl may be registered at any age by sending in the registration form and fee. All enquiries should be sent to the Director of Admissions from whom a prospectus may be obtained.
Fees per term (2023-2024). Boarders £15,511; Weekly Boarders £13,801; Day Pupils £10,303. Lower School: Day pupils £7,726.
The fees are inclusive and cover the normal cost of a pupil’s education. The main extras are for examination fees, private tuition and a pupil’s personal expenses. Fees for day pupils include lunch and tea.
There is a College Store for the provision of uniform, clothing and other requirements.
Entrance Scholarships. Scholarships are available at 11+, 13+ and 16+ entry for excellence in academic study, performing arts (drama or music) and sport.
Girls and boys holding awards invariably go on to contribute much to school life throughout their time at Epsom. The College community holds them in high regard.
Candidates may apply for more than one award. Scholarships and Exhibitions will only be awarded if candidates of sufficient merit present themselves.
If a Scholarship or Exhibition is not awarded on entry to the College in Year 7 or 9, there is a further opportunity to be promoted to the status of an award holder in Year 12 (Lower Sixth).
Bursaries. Over the past six years, Epsom has reduced the value of non means-tested Scholarships and Awards, which can be worth up to 10% a year. This has enabled us to double the bursary fund which is allocated to families with demonstrable financial need.
In turn this has helped us, with Educational Trust support, to widen our access to disadvantaged families. This is one of the College’s declared aims in line with both Government and HMC guidance. Potential scholarship applicants are encouraged to seek extra financial support, if appropriate, by way of a means-tested Bursary. Application forms are available on request from the Bursar or Admissions Registrar.
Old Epsomians. The Old Epsomian Club promotes sporting activities, social gatherings and networking events among its former pupils, with eight international chapters and an online database. On leaving the College, all pupils automatically become lifelong members of the OE Club and they are invited back regularly for reunions, the OE Dinner and Founder’s Day. They also receive several publications each year, including the OE magazine. Bursaries are available for the sons and daughters of OEs who wish to attend the College.
Charitable status. Epsom College is a Registered Charity, number 312046. It exists for the advancement of education.
Governors & Staff:
Patron: Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen
Chair: Mr Alex Russell, OBE
Vice-Chair: Mrs Karen Thomas
Treasurer: Mr Andrew Pianca
Mrs Sarah Blaney
Dr Jeremy Bolton
Mr John Bowerman
Mrs Tania Botting
Mrs Fiona Boulton, OBE
Mrs Vivianne Gordon-Pullar
The Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams
Mr John Hay
Mr Ashley Head
Mr Dej Mahoney
Mr Julian Mount
Mr Anish Patel
Mr George Pincus, MBE
Mr Alex Vartevanian
Mr Clive Watson
Dr Alastair Wells
Head: Sir Anthony Seldon, BA Oxon, PhD LSE
Second Master: Mr Paul Williams, BSc Dunelm
Bursar: Mr Paul Ratcliffe, BSc Winchester, CMgr, FCMI
Deputy Head Digital Education: Mr Richard Alton, MA Cantab, MPhys
Deputy Head Pastoral: Ms Marisa Bosa, BA Trent University, Canada, BEd Queen’s University, Canada
Deputy Head Academic: Mrs Becky Brown, MChem Oxon
Assistant Head Total Curriculum: Mr Andy Bustard, BA Swansea
Assistant Head Digital Learning: Mr Ollie Fernie, BA Dunelm
Assistant Head Futures & Progression: Mr Ed Lance, BSc Dunelm
Assistant Head Pupil Wellbeing & DSL: Mr Chris Filbey, BA Dunelm
Assistant Head Systems: Mr Stuart Head, BSc (University of the West of England)
Assistant Head Teaching Staff and Examinations: Mr Will Keat, BSc UCL, MA King’s College London
Assistant Head Sixth Form: Mr Nick Russell, MA (Liverpool)
Assistant Head Lower School: Mrs Leah Skipper, BA Queen Mary, University of London
Director of Marketing and Communications: Mr Mark Tobin, BA East Anglia
Heads of Year:
Head of Third Form: Mr Mark Farmer, BA Exeter
Head of Lower Fourth: Mrs Katie Eysenck, BA Oxon, MA Birkbeck
Head of Middle Fourth: Mr David Nuthall, BA Nottingham
Head of Upper Fourth: Dr Rachael Storey, BSc Dunelm, PhD King’s College London
Head of Fifth Form: Mr Jim Stephens, BSc Liverpool
Head of Lower Sixth: Miss Ceara Kelly, BSc National University of Ireland, Galway, BSc Hons Institute of Technology, Sligo
Head of Upper Sixth: Mr Nick Russell, MA Liverpool
Senior Chaplain: Revd Canon A M J Haviland, BEd Leeds, PGDipCMM Surrey, FCCT, FRSA, CF(v)
Assistant Chaplain: Mrs R Catterall
Hindu Chaplain: Ms M Joshi
Muslim Chaplain: Dr H Hammuda
Headmaster’s Office:
Headmaster’s PA: Mrs S Lawrence
Deputy Heads’ Secretary: Mrs V Bogie
Admissions Office:
Director of Admissions: Mrs C Kent
Admissions Registrar: Mrs L Watkins
Bursars Office:
Bursar’s PA: Miss F Storr
Epsom College Education Trust and OE Club:
Development Director: Ms H Tranter
Epsom Library:
Librarian: Mrs S Perry
College Archive:
College Archivist: Mrs R Worthy

Epsom College
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