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Scholarships & Bursaries
Culford School
Description: Gallery 1
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Description: Gallery 4
Culford School
Org 1: HMC
Description: Culford School
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP28 6TX
Telephone: 01284 728615
Instagram: @culfordschool
Motto: Viriliter Agite Estote Fortes
Age Range: Nursery, Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 13, Senior to 18
Day or Boarding: Day, Full Boarding, Flexi/Occasional Boarding
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: A Level, BTEC, GCSE
Scholarships Tick: Academic, Art, Drama, DT, Music, Sport
Scholarships Other Types: Cricket, Golf, Hockey, Rugby, Swimming, Tennis
Bursaries and discounts: New entrant bursary, HM forces discount
Scholarships and Bursaries – Further Details
Candidates must be over 13 and under 14 years of age at the time they enter the school. Academic, Music, Golf, Swimming and Tennis are offered for candidates over 11 and under 12 at the time of entry into the Preparatory School. A full range of Sixth Form Scholarships are also available.
Further particulars can be obtained from The Registrar, Karen Tompkinson, Culford School, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6TX. Tel: 01284 385308 Email: admissions@culford.co.uk
Culford School was founded in 1881 in Bury St Edmunds and moved to its present site on the Culford estate in 1935. The School is one of eight owned by the Methodist Independent Schools Trust and is administered by a Board of Governors, to whom local control is devolved.
About Culford School. Culford is a co-educational boarding and day school for 850 pupils aged between 1 and 18 across three schools: the Pre-Prep & Nursery, Prep and Senior Schools, all of which are situated within 480 acres of beautiful Suffolk parkland.
Where is Culford School? Culford is conveniently located four miles north of Bury St Edmunds and is within easy reach of Cambridge and Norwich (to which the school runs a daily bus shuttle service), Ipswich and Stansted Airport, and Heathrow and Gatwick airports are within two hours of Culford.
Teaching & Learning. We believe education should be challenging, enriching and fun and are committed to helping our pupils achieve excellence in all areas of school life. Hard work in the classroom is complemented by full sporting and extracurricular programmes.
Curriculum. We aim to give a broad and balanced education that enables every pupil to fulfil their academic potential. Core subjects at GCSE are English language and literature, mathematics, the three sciences and a foreign language. Pupils can choose additional subjects from a wide range of options and receive guidance from the Deputy Head, their teachers and personal tutor, who, along with their Housemaster or Housemistress, has responsibility for their academic and social progress.
Culford Sixth Formers usually study three or four subjects. The majority of students go on to university, including Oxbridge and the prestigious Russell Group universities. Sixth Formers may also study for a Culford Independent Research Project which enables students to study beyond the confines of A Level specifications; it can be an essay, a film, a composition or even something created in Design and Technology.
Facilities. Culford is centred on the magnificent Culford Hall, an 18th century mansion formerly the seat of Marquis Cornwallis and Earl Cadogan. The Hall houses Culford’s music department and purpose-built Studio Theatre. Further facilities include a new £2.2m landmark library at the academic heart of the school and a brand new art centre, a modern, dynamic space that can be used for lessons, exhibitions and events. More recent developments include: a state-of-the-art, 24-track recording studio; the installation of two dance studios which both include a high sprung Harlequin floor, the same used by professional dancers. More recently a state-of-the-art Creative Technology Centre was opened which includes DT, digital media and innovation facilities.
Teaching Facilities. Teachers are specialists in their fields and are united by a passion to help the children in their care achieve their goals, whatever they may be. Classrooms are modern and well equipped, and in the case of specialist subjects, such as languages and sciences, have the latest technologies installed.
Sports Facilities. Culford’s fantastic Sports and Tennis Centre is a state-of-the-art facility which comprises a four-court, championship-standard Indoor Tennis Centre, a 25m heated indoor pool, gym, strength and conditioning suite, golf swing studio, golf short game area, driving range and a large sports hall with a climbing wall and indoor cricket nets. Outside there are further tennis courts, two of which are seasonally covered, two artificial turf pitches (one in partnership with Bury Hockey Club) and numerous rugby and hockey pitches. In September 2021, we opened a renovated Strength & Conditioning suite alongside a new fitness gym.
Pupils can also pursue athletics, horse riding, archery, CCF and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Culford launched a new Football Academy programme to sit alongside its already well-established tennis, golf and swimming programmes.
Boarding. Culford accepts boarders aged 7 to 18 and for a whole host of reasons, including an ‘Excellent’ ISI rating, boarding is extremely popular with over half of Senior pupils boarding. Boarders enjoy an amazing range of weekend activities and have full access to Culford’s impressive Sports and Tennis Centre.
Culford’s boarding Houses offer children a comfortable, secure and fun place to live during term time. Culford offers flexible arrangements for other boarders where possible: part and occasional boarding is available providing space is free. We do not have an enforced exeat at the weekends; children may stay at school throughout the term, going home at the weekend or to stay with friends when they or their parents wish them to.
All pupils have access to our fully-equipped Medical Centre, supervised by a resident nurse, and this includes provision for residential care when necessary.
Culford Pre-Prep & Nursery School. Our purpose-designed Nursery accepts children from age 1 to 3 and perfectly prepares them for School life. Culford’s Nursery is available for 50 weeks per year.
Culford Pre-Prep provides teaching for 80 children from Nursery at age three through to age seven in a delightful setting within the grounds.
Both Pre-Prep and Nursery schools take part in Forest School activities, a way of learning outdoors that helps children to develop personal, social and technical skills in a woodland setting.
Music & Drama. Music plays an important part in the life of the School. There are numerous choirs, orchestras and bands and regular concerts are held to give pupils the chance to perform in public. Individual music tuition is offered in voice, piano, organ and all orchestral instruments. Drama is also very popular and there are regular House plays and concerts as well as major productions: these include musicals and plays for different sections of the School.
Activities. There is a huge array of clubs and societies on offer – from academic and creative to sporting and community. Pupils are encouraged to take part in Community Service Activities and many participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme or choose to join the Combined Cadet Force (CCF).
Culford’s popular Dance Programme features a professional high-sprung floor and classes in all types of dance, including ballet, contemporary, jazz and choreography.
Staff regularly take pupils out on visits and expeditions too, and every summer a group of Sixth Formers and teachers spend 3 weeks in Malawi helping with various development projects; a trip that is universally viewed as a life-changing experience. Other recent trips have included tours to New York, skiing in France and scuba diving in Tobago as well as sports tours worldwide.
Entry. The majority of pupils join in September at ages 1–7 (Pre-Prep), 7+, 8+ and 11+ (Preparatory School); and at 13+ and 16+ (Senior School). Entry to the Sixth Form is on the basis of GCSE performance or its equivalent for overseas candidates.
Entry to Culford Pre-Prep School is by informal assessment just prior to enrolment.
Applications are welcome from individuals throughout the year, subject to places being available.
Visiting Culford School. If you would like to visit Culford please contact the Admissions Office to arrange an appointment and a tour on 01284 385308 or to request a copy of the School prospectus. We also hold regular Open Mornings each term, please visit www.culford.co.uk to find out more.
Scholarships and Exhibitions. Culford holds its Scholarship examinations between November and January for entry for the following September. Scholarships are awarded according to merit in the following categories:
11+: Academic, Music, Swimming, Tennis, Cricket and Golf
13+: Academic, Art, Design & Technology, Drama, Music, Hockey, Rugby, Swimming, Tennis and Sport
16+: Academic, Art, Drama, Music, Design & Technology, Hockey, Rugby, Swimming, Tennis, Golf and Sport
Swimming and Tennis Scholarships may be available at any age from 10+.
Bursaries are available to those in genuine financial need.
A generous Forces Allowance is available to parents who are serving members of the Armed Forces and are in receipt of the MOD CEA.
For further details please apply to The Registrar, Tel: 01284 385308 or email: admissions@culford.co.uk.
Senior School Fees per term (2023–2024). Day: £7,885, Full Boarding: £12,385.
Charitable status. Culford School is part of the Methodist Independent Schools Trust, which is a Registered Charity, number 1142794.
Governors & Staff:
Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Donougher, BSc, ACA
Head: C Bentley, MEd
Deputy Head: Dr J Guntrip, BSc, PhD
Assistant Head: D V Watkin, BEd

Culford School
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