With a heritage dating back to 1548, Bradford Grammar School (BGS) is one of the oldest and most respected institutions in Yorkshire. Our illustrious past spans hundreds of years. In 1662, Charles II granted BGS’s Charter, a document that the school proudly displays. Having occupied three locations since our establishment, the iconic building that BGS inhabits today was opened in 1949. A long history of excellence inspires BGS pupils to fulfil their potential and make their own mark upon the future of BGS.
With a ‘first-class, academic and outward-looking approach’ (Good Schools Guide), BGS is one of the UK’s leading independent schools, providing an outstanding education for 1,051 girls and boys aged 4 to 18. The school is fully co-educational: girls have been admitted to the Sixth Form since 1984 and in all intakes from 1999.
BGS provides every opportunity for its Junior, Senior and Sixth Form pupils to embrace academic, sporting and creative excellence within an aspirational, caring environment in which happiness is the key to an individual’s success. With its impressive ‘value added’ provision, academic excellence is available to all.
Pupil numbers. 1,051 day pupils (560 boys, 491 girls). Junior School (4–11): 166 pupils (84 boys, 82 girls). Senior School (11–18): 885 pupils (476 boys, 409 girls).
Location and facilities. The school, comprising six main buildings and a separate junior school building, stands in extensive grounds situated just a mile from Bradford city centre. The School thrives upon the opportunities created by this dynamic hub of enterprise and innovation.
The majority of our pupils travel by bus or train from areas such as Ilkley, Skipton, Leeds, Halifax and Huddersfield. We provide dedicated buses from a number of locations, including Oakwood, Headingley, Adel, Oxenhope, Huddersfield, Batley, Luddendenfoot, Halifax, Brighouse and Ilkley. Frizinghall train station is within a five-minute walk of the school and we provide a daily patrol team who ensure that pupils walk between the station and the school safely and sensibly. There are direct rail connections from Frizinghall train station to Leeds, Airedale and Wharfedale, Skipton, Ilkley and Apperley Bridge.
Nestling on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, and within striking distance of the Lake District, opportunities abound for outdoor visits and residential trips.
Facilities include a dedicated Sixth Form centre with full Wi-Fi, the Hockney Theatre, Design Technology workshops, Computer Aided Design (CAD) suites, fitness suite with rowing machines, cycling machines, treadmills and weights, a music auditorium, recording studio, debating chamber, dedicated Science building, a state-of-the-art library, a 25-metre competition swimming pool, sports pavilion, and squash courts, and our new outstanding £4m sport facilities – comprising cricket lanes, netball and tennis courts and astro-turfed hockey pitches, as well as our all-weather sports barn. The Price Hall is the centrepiece of the main school building and provides a magnificent setting for assemblies, concerts and other major events.
Bradford Grammar Junior School occupies Clock House, a 17th century Manor House within the wooded and tranquil school grounds, where it enjoys its own assembly hall, Computing and Design Technology facilities and teaching accommodation. For further details, please see separate entry in IAPS section. Senior School curriculum.
In Years 7 and 8, all pupils study English, Mathematics, French, German, Latin, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History, Art, Music, Design and Technology (DT), Religious Studies (RS), Personal Development, Drama, Computing and PE/Games.
In Year 9, pupils follow a common core of English, Mathematics, Geography, History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, RS, Personal Development and PE/Games, choose one core Modern Foreign Language from a choice of French, German or Spanish and choose three optional subjects from a choice of German, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Art, Music, DT and Computer Science.
In Years 10 and 11, pupils follow 10 GCSE courses. All pupils follow a common core of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and PE/Games, choose a core Modern Foreign Language from French, German or Spanish, and choose three optional subjects from Geography, History, French, German, Spanish, Computer Science, Drama, Physical Education, Latin, Greek, Art, Music, DT and RS.
In Year 12 (Lower Sixth Form), pupils choose either three subjects and complete the EPQ or choose four subjects from Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Computer Science, Drama & Theatre, DT, Economics, English Literature, English Language, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, Greek, History, Latin, Mathematics, Music, Music Technology, Physical Education, Physics, Politics, Psychology, RS and Spanish. The AS level exam is available in some subjects. In addition, they also take one or two Enrichment courses from a wide range of certificated or non-examined options.
In Year 13 (Upper Sixth Form), pupils usually take three of their Year 12 courses through to A level. Some pupils take a fourth A level or complete the EPQ.
For further details, please see the booklets A Guide to GCSE Courses and A Guide to Sixth Form Courses, both of which can be downloaded from our website at www.bradfordgrammar.com. Results.
A level: Terrifically successful at A and AS levels, BGS has been recognised as having one of the highest average university admission points per student of any school in West Yorkshire. In 2024, 118 A level students celebrated outstanding success with 49% of all exams awarded A*/A grades, overall, 72% of students at BGS secured A*–B grades.
GCSEs: At GCSE, 71% were awarded 9–7 and 97% grades 9–4.
At both A level and GCSE, BGS far exceeded national averages.
Co-curricular activities. We actively encourage pupils to engage in co-curricular activities. Pupils in the Senior School normally have a choice of over 60 clubs and societies covering a wide range of sports, drama, music, academic subjects and other areas of interest – from rowing, orienteering, war games, debating, Biomedical, Historical and Classics Societies to coding, board games, volunteering, fundraising and craft clubs, there is something for everyone. Pupils can take part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, the Combined Cadet Force (both RAF and Army) and World Challenge expeditions. There are many exciting and enriching school trips and tours, domestic and overseas.
Pastoral care. Outstanding pastoral support contributes to the happiness of Bradford Grammar School pupils, creating a positive, friendly atmosphere for all. The School works closely with parents to ensure each child receives the best possible pastoral care during their time at BGS. The team of form tutors, Heads of Year, school nurses, school counsellor, Learning Support Department and pastoral prefects work together to promote pupils’ happiness and progress, and ensure that every child receives the attention they deserve. Pupils who need extra support are quickly identified by our pastoral team and given the help they need as they make their way up the school. The BGS Personal Development (PSHE) programme includes modules on wellbeing and mental health as well as RSHE for every year group.
The School encourages pupils to participate in physical exercise and a wide range of co-curricular opportunities, so that they are further developed beyond the classroom too.
Admission. Boys and girls can join the school at the ages of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in the Junior School (this will include ages 4 and 5 from September 2024) or 11, 12, 13 or 16 in the Senior School. Pupils are admitted into the Sixth Form on the basis of their GCSE results (at least 20 points, grade B, preferably A, in sixth-form subjects), an interview and a satisfactory reference from the candidate’s current school. Candidates for entry into Year 2 (6+), Year 3 (7+) and Year 4 (8+) will be invited to spend an informal day in the Junior School. Admission for all other ages is by examination in Mathematics and English in January each year.
Assisted places. Places are awarded on a means-tested basis, each case being reviewed annually. The award depends on parental circumstances, the amount of capital available at the time of the examination and the academic ability of the candidate.
Scholarships. Headmaster's academic scholarships at 20% of the fee are awarded following the Year 7 entry exam. Sport and music scholarships – details on application.
Fees per term (2024-2025). Junior School: £3,665 (Reception–Year 2) and £4,091 (Years 3–6), Senior School: £5,228, Sixth Form: £5,228.
Former pupils include trail-blazing artist David Hockney, Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey, Olympic champions Alistair and Jonny Brownlee and Team GB Performance Analyst Dr Deborah Sides.
The Parents' Association (previously BGS Society). Chairperson: Mrs J Pine, c/o Bradford Grammar School.
Charitable status. Bradford Grammar School (The Free Grammar School of King Charles II at Bradford) is a Registered Charity, number 529113. It exists to provide education for children.
Governors & Staff:
Chairman of Governors: Lady Morrison, LLB
Vice-Chairman: Professor C Mellors, OBE, BA, MA, PhD, FAcSS, FHEA, FRSA
The Very Reverend Andy Bowerman
C Beck, FCCA
P Cogan, BA, FCA
D J Davies, MBE, BEng, MA
S R Davies, BA, FRSA
J E Disley, BA
C Hamilton Stewart, MBE
His Honour Jonathan Rose
Professor Sir A F Markham, BSc, PhD, MB, BS, DSc, FRCP, FRCPath
I McAleese, FCIPD
District Judge A Pema [OB]
T Pugh, BA
Dr A Qasim, BA, MB, BChir, MA, PhD, FRCP [OB]
C M Wontner-Smith, BA, FCA [OB]
Sir D Wootton, MA [OB]
Representing the University of Bradford:
Representing the University of Leeds:
Dr A Mighell, BSc, BChD, MBChB, PhD, FDSRCS, FHEA
Representing Chamber of Commerce:
S Needham, OBE, DL
Governors Emeriti:
J E Barker, MA [OB]
P J M Bell, JP, FCIS, CText, FTI, FRSA [OB]
R G Bowers, DL, BSc, CEng, FRSA [OB]
I Crawford, FCA
J D Fenton, MCSP, SRP
Professor A Francis, BSc, ACGI, CCMI, AcSS
J G Ridings, FCA
A H Jerome, MBE, MA [OB] (Life President)
[OB] Old Bradfordian
Bursar and Clerk to the Governors: H Najib, MA, FCA
Headmaster: Dr S Hinchliffe, BA, MEd, PhD, FRSA
Deputy Headmaster: J Boardman
Assistant Head, Pastoral: J R Watson, BA, MA
Assistant Head, Curriculum: G P Woods, MA
Assistant Head, Development: P Merckx, BSc
Headmaster, Junior School: R Ribeiro