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Scholarships & Bursaries
Tudor Hall
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Tudor Hall
Org 1: GSA
Description: Tudor Hall
Wykham Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9UR
Telephone: 01295 263434
Instagram: @tudorhallschool
Motto: Habeo Ut Dem
Age Range: Senior to 18
Day or Boarding: Day, Full Boarding
Gender: Girls
Exams offered: GCSE, A Level, Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), BTEC
Scholarships Tick: Academic, All-Rounder, Art, Dance, Drama, DT, Music, Sport
Scholarships Other Types: Photography, Textiles
Bursaries and discounts: New entrant bursary, Existing pupil bursary/hardship award, HM forces discount
Bursaries and Discounts – Further Details
Tudor Hall School is able to offer some means-tested bursaries each year, and in special circumstances may offer full or near full fee discounts.
All bursaries are means-tested and separate to scholarships. Prospective and current parents are eligible. For prospective parents, a financial assistance application form may be requested once you have registered your child.
Please contact Neil Urquhart, Bursar, on bursar@tudorhallschool.com if you wish to have an informal discussion about bursaries.
Forces Discount
We offer a Forces Discount to military families whether or not parents are eligible for Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA). The discount is:
20% off boarding fees for pupils who start in Todd or IIs (Years 7 or 8)
15% off boarding fees for pupils who start from IIIs (Year 9)
In some circumstances, a means tested bursary may be applied for in addition to the Forces Discount.
Please make note in your application that you are eligible for a Forces Discount.
Tudor Hall is an Independent Boarding and Day School for Girls aged 11–18 years. The school was originally founded in 1850 and moved to Wykham Park in 1946. It is situated in spacious grounds 1½ miles from Banbury Station and is within easy access of London, Oxford, Bicester and Stratford-upon-Avon – M40, Junction 11. This enables the girls to enjoy a wide range of cultural and educational activities.
The school accommodates approximately 250 boarders and 75 day girls. Its buildings comprise a 17th century and an 18th century manor with a modern purpose-built house for Sixth Formers and extensive new facilities which include 5 science laboratories; designated modern languages department with a language laboratory; purpose-built drama studio, music school and sports complex; art studio and design technology workshop. The latest addition is a Teaching Centre, opened in 2019, which provides designated English and Mathematics Departments, ceramics and textiles studios and a professional kitchen. Sports facilities include floodlit tennis, netball courts, gym and AstroTurf hockey pitch, a swimming pool, grass athletics track and pitches for lacrosse, rounders and cricket.
The curriculum and co-curriculum at Tudor Hall are extensive, providing students with intellectual challenge and the opportunity to expand their horizons. Lessons are delivered in a manner which encourages confidence, gives satisfaction and enjoyment, and allows all students to learn, make progress and be successful. They develop a love of lifelong learning and acquire the necessary skills needed for university and adult life. A comprehensive careers programme ensures that students leave armed with pertinent and relevant information and experience to continue to be successful in life beyond school.
Admission is by internal examinations at 11+ and internal examinations and Common Entrance at 13+. Entry may also be made to the Sixth Form where all girls pursue courses leading to higher education or vocational training. Entry is by assessment, interview and predicted grades at GCSE. Boarders joining at 11 live in a separate and smaller house within a family environment to help them become accustomed to being away from home. Girls are divided into four competitive Houses, but residence is with their own age group.
Tudor Hall places great importance on having a friendly atmosphere, a lively and united spirit and high standards. Girls are expected to take an interest in a wide range of activities as well as following a broad educational programme. Involvement in the local community through the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and social service, and participation in events with other schools are encouraged. Debating and public speaking are strong and there is keen involvement in the Young Enterprise Scheme, Model United Nations and European Youth Parliament. Tudor Hall is an Anglican school but members of all religious groups are welcomed. There is a small chapel.
Scholarships and Bursaries. Every pupil is encouraged to aim high in all areas of Tudor life in order to fulfil their potential. The school’s Aim Higher Programme offers all pupils the opportunity to broaden their horizons and excel in areas of particular interest to them. Scholarships are one element of this programme, and any pupils may apply at the appropriate entry point. Tudor Hall offers a range of Scholarships at 11+, 13+ and 16+ in recognition of an individual’s potential in a particular discipline. Scholars will benefit from the expertise of Tudor staff and a mentoring programme will be tailored to their interests and goals. In return, Scholars are expected to be ambassadors for that department, demonstrate enthusiasm and leadership, and be fully involved in the co-curricular programme of their chosen discipline. Academic Scholarships are awarded for the duration of the pupil’s time at Tudor Hall. Other Scholarships, awarded at 11+ and 13+ are subject to review at 16+. The following Scholarships are on offer:
11+: Academic, Drama, Music, Creative Arts
13+: Academic, Drama, Music, Creative Arts, Sport
16+: Academic, Dance, Drama, Music, Sport, Creative Arts, (Art, Design Technology, Photography or Textiles)
Scholarships are awards worth up to £1,000 per annum, made to pupils demonstrating a particularly high standard of achievement or potential, regardless of financial need. They will be reviewed annually and are retained subject to satisfactory performance and commitment.
A bursary may further enhance the financial award if parents can demonstrate, through a means testing process, that they would not otherwise be able to send their daughter to Tudor Hall due to limited financial means.
Fees per term (2023-2024). £15,300 for boarders; £9,250 for day pupils.
Governors & Staff:
Board of Governors:
Chair: Alison Darling
Duncan Bailey
Sally Bowie
Debbie Chism
Karen Coles
Ben Evans
Jonny Hammond-Chambers
Nick Holliday
Ateh Jewel
Bob Lari
Charles Newsome
Jennifer Scarfe
Mark Sewell
Rodney Style
Senior Management Team:
Headmistress: Julie Lodrick
Bursar & Clerk to the Governors: Adrian Bettridge
Deputy Head (Academic) : Simon Smith
Deputy Head (Pastoral): Kate Simlett
Director of External Relations: Lucy Keyte
Director of Co-Curriculum & Operations: Sadie Lapper
Head of Sixth Form: Justine Stephens
Director of Digital Strategy: James Wakeley
Teaching Staff:
Lucy Andrews, BA UAL, MA BCU, PGCE Exeter (Photography)
Jo Benlalam, BMus, AKC, PGCE London (Head of Careers, Head of Academic Music)
Lucinda Burton-Sims, BA Leeds, PGDipEd Birmingham (PSHEE)
Sophia Chichester, BA Middx (Religious Studies)
Alan Christopher, MA Essex, BTEC Kingshurst, HND Coventry (Drama)
Chloe Corani, BSc Bournemouth, PGCE Southampton (Physical Education)
Sheila Craske, BA Oxon, PGCE MMU (Head of Art)
Lindsey Cullen, MA Oxon (Head of Classics)
Bernard D'Souza, BA Nottingham Trent, PGCE Warwick (Mathematics)
Ruth Demery, BSc Portsmouth, PGCE Bristol (Mathematics)
Grainne Dennison, BA Durham, LPC Chester (English, History)
Matthew Dennison, BA Oxon, MPhil Glasgow (Head of History, Head of Politics)
Jane Drake, CertEd Bedford (Food & Nutrition)
Gerard Duncan, PGDSST, BPE University of Otago, New Zealand (Physical Education)
Ian Edwards, BSc Newcastle, PGCE UEA (Mathematics, Academic Administrator)
Samuel Edwards, BA Bath, PGCE Buckingham (Head of Tennis)
Scarlett Embury, BSc Newcastle, PGCE Chester (Mathematics)
Kate Ford, BA London, PGCE Exeter (English)
Sara Fordy, BA Winchester, PGCE Oxon (Head of Textiles)
Marie Genot, MA Provence, France, PGCE UWE (French/Spanish)
Shazia Gleadall, BA Birmingham, PGCE Chester (Religious Studies)
Victoria Gross, BA Brunel, PGCE Middx (Head of Design & Technology)
Elizabeth Gulliver, BA Oxon (Psychology)
Kerri Hadfield, BA Leeds, PGCE Canterbury (Head of Geography)
Clare Harding, BSc Leeds, PGCE Birmingham (Head of Food & Nutrition)
Louise Harper, BA Dunelm, PGCE Oxon (Head of KS3 Geography)
Matthew Harper, BA Oxon, PGCE Warwick (French/Spanish)
Kate Hart, BA MMU, PGCE Birmingham (Head of PSHEE)
Monica Jimenez, BA La Rioja, Spain, PGCE Canterbury (Head of Spanish)
Kathryn Joel, BA Warwick (DELTA, TESOL, EAL Coordinator)
Andrea Johnson, BSc, PGCE Durham (Chemistry)
Lucy Keyte, BA Nottingham, PGCE Warwick, MSc Roehampton (French)
Rachael Knapman, Netball Level 1 Coach UKCC (Netball)
Sadie Lapper, BSc Worcester, PGCert Gloucester, MSc Oxford Brookes (Physical Education)
Lindsey Lea-James, BMus, LTCL, ALCM, PGCE Huddersfield (Director of Music)
Julie Lodrick, BA Chichester, PGCE Kingston, MEd Open (Music)
James Long, BA, PGCE Liverpool (Head of Hockey)
Victoria Marsh, BSc Keele, PGCE Exeter (Head of Mathematics)
Harry Mitchell, BSc Bristol, PGCE Loughborough (Mathematics)
Rebecca Moffat, BA Durham (Learning Support)
Alice Montgomery, BA Newcastle, PGCE Southampton (Head of History of Art)
Bev Murphy, BA Wales, MA, PhD, PGCE UEA (History, Deputy Head of Learning Support)
Sarah Neale, BA Worcester (Dance)
Amanda Neil, BA Leeds, PGCIPP Chichester (Head of Learning Support)
Alison Osborn, BA Reading, PGCE Exeter (History)
Pervin Özkan, Licence Tours, France, PGCE Exeter (Head of French)
Charlotte Pemble, BSc, PGCE Worcester (2 i/c Physical Education, Acting Head of Sport)
Jonitha Peterpillai, BSc, Warwick MSc, PGCE Oxon (2 i/c Mathematics)
Lara Price, BLib Aberystwyth (Librarian)
Ryan Pickering, NPLQ, NUCO (Sporting Facilities & Physical Education)
James Popplestone, BSc Southampton, DPhil Oxon (Head of Biology)
Bob Roberts, BA, MA Warwick, PGCE Lancaster (Head of English)
Ian Robinson, BEng, PGCE Lancaster (Physics)
Emily Scates, BA London, PGCE CSSD (Head of Drama)
Paul Scott, BSc Newcastle, PGCE Durham (Learning Support)
Kate Simlett, MSc Loughborough (Physical Education)
Zoe Simms, BA, MA KCL, MSc Oxon, PGCE Institute of Education (Head of Religious Studies)
Catherine Simpson, BA, GDL, MPhil Cantab, PGCE Belfast (English)
Rachel Smith, BA Wales, PGCE Leicester (Head of Psychology)
Simon Smith, BA, PGCE York (History, Politics)
James Stead, BA Cumbria, PGCE Wales (Art)
Justine Stephens, BA London, PGCE Middx (Drama)
Holly Thomas, BA Bath, PGCE Coventry (Head of Modern Languages)
Richard Thompson, MA Oxon, PGCE London (Head of Economics)
Julia Thorn, BA Reading, MSt Oxon (Classics)
Joanne Thorne, BA Middx, MA, PGCE Warwick, MBA OU (Head of Business Studies)
Dane Tice, BA Lawrence University Wisconsin, DPhil Oxon (Head of Physics)
Henry Vigne, BA London, MA Kent, PGCE Buckingham (Food & Nutrition)
James Wakeley, BSc OU, PGCE Bath (Head of Computing & IT)
Rebecca Warrington, BA MMU, MA, PGCE Middx (Textiles)
Layla Williams, BA London, PGCE De Montfort (Head of Dance)
Stephen Williams, BEd Brighton (Interim Director of Sport)
James Woodward, BSc Wales, PGCE Exeter (Biology)
Boarding Staff:
Boarding Coordinator: Jackie Webb
Ashtons Houseparent: Lindsey Pickering
Ashtons Houseparent: Ryan Pickering
Ashtons Deputy Housemistress: Calypso Morley
Inglis Housemistress: Sophia Chichester
Inglis Deputy Housemistress: Ribh Ireland
Vs Housemistress: Ruth Demery
Vs Deputy Housemistress: Hannelie Jonas
IVs Housemistress: Sarah Lafford
IVs Deputy Housemistress: Nina Forde
IIIs Housemistress: Grainne Dennison
IIIs Deputy Housemistress: Caroline Rimmer
IIs Housemistress: Sarah Neale
IIs Deputy Housemistress: Lucy Witherspoon
Todd Housemistress: Lucinda Burton-Sims
Todd Deputy Housemistress: Chloe Corani
Boarding support: Julie Bennett, Rebecca Coleman, Penny Davies, Hannah Duckett, Jess Elliott, Sue Jenkins, Maria Rees, Georgia Thomas
School Chaplain & Staff Wellbeing Lead: Alison Richardson
School Counsellor: Sarah Whitehouse
Sophie Dean (Graduate Assistant Music)
Serena Donnelly (Drums)
James Foley (Guitar)
Sarah Haigh (Singing)
Kim Keeble (Oboe)
Kate Pickin (Piano)
Miranda Ricardo (Cello and Piano)
Beverley Savidge (Singing)
Elisabeth Sharam (Flute)
Deborah Siepmann (Piano)
Kayleigh Skinner (Singing)
Lucy Tugwell (Clarinet and Saxophone)
Chris Windass (Violin)
Sport and PE:
Lottie Gale (Graduate Assistant Sport)
Godwin Abah (Tennis Coach)
Annabelle Bailey (Tennis Coach)
Lucy Brown (Tennis Coach)
Lee Morton (Tennis Coach)
Ginny Steven (Ballet)
Speech and Drama:
Pippa Phillips
Calypso Morley (Art Technician)
Alan Christopher (Ceramics Technician)
Zoe Johnson (CDT Technician)
Sarah Carolan (Senior Science Technician)
Julie Brown (Assistant Science Technician)
Hope Talbot Waller (Textiles Technician)
Samantha Sullivan (Textiles Technician)
Learning Support:
Stephanie Herbert (Teaching Assistant)
Isabel Rimmer (Teaching Assistant)
Sarah Skevington (Teaching Assistant)
Bethan Leyshon-Smith (Learning Mentor)
Elizabeth Smith (Learning Mentor)
Modern Foreign Languages:
Iris Fouquet (French Language Assistant)
Kubra Özkan (French Language Assistant)
Belen Sainz-Pardo (Spanish Language Assistant)
Nadine von Paledzki (Teacher of German)
Financial Controller: Kenneth Iredale
HR Manager: Nicole Hamilton
Finance Assistant: Diane Cook
Finance Assistant: Louise Sollis
Finance Assistant: Carol Edginton
Administrative and Support staff:
EA to the Headmistress: Jennifer Lewis
EA to the Bursar & Assistant Clerk to the Governors: Louise Allan
PA to the Headmistress and HR Manager: Amelia Senior
Pastoral Administrator: Zoë Ludford
Data Manager: Brian Wray
Examinations Officer: Katie Donald
School Events Coordinator: Charlotte Redman
Senior Administrative Secretary: Helen Mascall
Administrative Secretary - Music: Joanne Twelvetrees
Administrative Secretary - PE: Rachael Knapman
School Reception: Annabelle Coombs
Reception and Administrator to the Deputy Head Academic: Helen Read
Educational Visits Coordinator: Rachael Knapman
Transport Administrator: Lesley Mansfield
PA to the Headmistress and HR Manager: Susy Wood [maternity cover]
Admissions, Marketing and Development:
Registrar: Elspeth Dyer
Assistant Registrar: Fiona Gaskin
Head of Marketing & Communications: Richard Guy
Graphic Designer: Nicola Mawle
Marketing and Community Officer: Emma Walton-Pond
Alumnae Communications Manager: Lindsay Silver
Alumnae Events and Development Officer: Carrie Davidson
Grounds, Maintenance and Domestic Services:
Facilities Manager: Ben Stowe
Senior Maintenance: Sam Parkin
Senior Grounds: Charlie Cross
Facilities Administrator: Caroline Thomas
Domestic Manager: Elaine Eyre
Catering Manager: Louise Gough
ICT Systems and Network:
ICT Systems & Network Manager: Paul Smith
Systems Network Engineer: Chris Durn
ICT Technician: Melanie Bolton
School Doctor: Dr Catriona Reid
Nurse-in-Charge: Janet Bonham, RGN
Nurse: Caroline Hutchison, RGN
Nurse: Lindsey Pickering, RGN
Nurse: Virginia Rayner, RGN

Tudor Hall
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