Age range. 2–13.
Number of pupils. 170. Prep 49 boys, 56 girls. Pre Prep: 22 boys, 20 girls. Nursery: 23 children.
Fees per term (2024-2025). Boarding: £7,995 (4 nights); Day: £5,750–£6,325; Pre Prep: £3,900. The fees are fully inclusive.
St Hugh’s School was founded by the Forbes family in 1925 and today is fully co-educational, offering both day and boarding places. The Headmaster is assisted by 21 qualified and experienced teachers and is a member of IAPS (The Independent Association of Prep Schools) as well as the Boarding Schools’ Association.
Pupils are prepared for the Common Entrance and Scholarship examinations. The school’s academic record is excellent, with regular awards being gained to major Independent Schools, as well as 11+ and 13+ places at Lincolnshire Grammar Schools. Children with special learning needs are treated sympathetically within the mainstream, with support from specialist staff. The aim of the school is to give every child a good all-round education and to discover and develop his or her own particular talents.
The major school games for boys are rugby, hockey and cricket, and for girls netball, hockey and cricket. Pupils can also enjoy cross country, tennis, athletics and swimming. All children have PE each week and swimming lessons.
The school lays heavy emphasis on extracurricular activities including music, art, drama, forest school and sport. There is also a strong and continuing Christian tradition at St Hugh’s.
The school has excellent facilities including a modern sports hall, an assembly hall with stage and lighting, a heated indoor swimming pool, extensive playing fields including an all-weather pitch, a library, and dedicated classrooms for Music, Science, Art & Design, and Technology.
Weekly and flexi boarders are accommodated in a well-appointed House under the close supervision of a Houseparent, and dormitories and common rooms are bright and cheerful. Contact with parents and guardians is well maintained. Minibus transport for day pupils is provided across the county.
The Pre Preparatory department caters for approximately 40 children aged from 4 to 7 and is located in its own building with separate play area and staff.
The Nursery for children aged between 2 and 4 is attached to the Pre Prep and accommodates approximately 30 children.
Charitable status. St Hugh’s School (Woodhall Spa) Limited is a Registered Charity, number 527611. It exists to provide a high standard of education and care to pupils from the age of 2 to 13.