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Aberdour School
Description: Girls on bench
Description: 3_100MSDCF_NS106165
Description: 3_100MSDCF_NS106016
Aberdour School
Org 1: IAPS
Description: Aberdour School
Brighton Road, Burgh Heath, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6AJ
Telephone: 01737 354119
The School is an Educational Trust run by a Board of Governors. Founded in 1928, Aberdour is a thriving and extremely successful preparatory school for 360 girls and boys aged 2 to 11 years old. At all levels, we aim to provide every child with an individually tailored education that identifies their potential and maximises their opportunities to learn, grown and succeed. Finding the brilliance in every child.
Age Range: Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 11
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: Common Entrance to Senior, Current School to Senior
Chairman of the Governors: Mr D Davie, MSc Dist, MBCS
Headmaster: Mr S D Collins, CertEd
Deputy Head: Mrs E Hoskins, BSc Hons
Head of Middle School: Mrs S Couper, BA Hons, QTS
Head of Pre-Prep: Mrs A Terry, BA Hons
Age Range. 2–11.
Number of Pupils. 338 Day Boys and Girls.
Fees per term (2023-2024). £1,810–£6,030 inclusive.
Children can start from 2 years old in Nursery, which is part of our brand new Pre-Prep Department (opened September 2023) and transfer to Middle School, which comprises Years 2 and 3 (ages 6 to 7). Senior School follows, which includes Years 4, 5 and 6 (ages 8 to 11). Children are prepared for all the major 11+ senior schools and many scholarships have been won. This last academic year, pupils in Year 6 gained 61 scholarships to independent senior schools. Set within 12 acres, there are ample playing fields, climbing wall, two all-weather areas, a large sports hall and indoor heated swimming pool. There are two science laboratories, a design technology room and an Arts & Innovation Centre with a STEAM room, languages studio, classrooms, music rooms, VR and Creativity studio and dance studios. All the usual games are coached and the general character of the children is developed by many interests and activities.
Charitable status. Aberdour School Educational Trust Limited is a Registered Charity, number 312033. Its aim is to promote education.

Aberdour School
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