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Lady Eleanor Holles Junior School
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Description: CE Photo LEH-69 LII netball
Description: LEH School image 3 pennybirdandcamera-5846
Description: CE Photo LEH-135 outside winter uniform
Lady Eleanor Holles Junior School
Org 1: IAPS
Description: Lady Eleanor Holles Junior School
Burlington House, 177 Uxbridge Road, Hampton, TW12 1BD
Telephone: 020 8979 2173
020 8979 1601 (Registrar & Senior School)
Instagram: @lehjuniors
Open events: Weekday open events are held in the Summer and Autumn Term with a family Open day taking place in the Autumn Term.
Key dates: First Stage Entrance Exam Assessments: End November
Second Stage Problem Solving Activity Sessions: January
Offer Letters Posted: End January
Acceptance Deadline: Early February
Age Range: Prep/Junior to 11
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Girls
Chairman of Governors: Mr D H King, BSc, FCA
Head Mistress: Mrs Rowena Cole, BSc, PGCE, MBA
Head of Junior School: Mrs Paula Mortimer, BEd
Age range. 7–11.
Number of pupils. 192 day girls.
Fees per term (2024-2025). £8,243 per term (including VAT).
Lady Eleanor Holles Junior School is housed in its own separate building in one corner of the school’s spacious 24-acre grounds. Junior School pupils make full use of the school’s extensive facilities, such as the heated indoor 25-metre pool, Sports Hall, Activity studio, 240-seat theatre and floodlit netball courts. (See The Lady Eleanor Holles School’s entry in the GSA section for more details.) They also take advantage of a fleet of school coaches serving most of West London and Surrey.
The school is academically selective, with most girls joining in Year 3. Entrance exams in English and Maths are held at the end of November before entry. Those successful in the assessment exams are then invited back for a problem solving activity session in early January. The vast majority of Junior School pupils are given guaranteed places in the Senior School.
The school’s teaching is firmly based on the National Curriculum and there are specialist teachers for Science, Art, French, IT, Music and PE from the beginning. The school is very well resourced and staff use a wide variety of teaching styles and activities to ensure pace, stimulation and progression.
There is a wide range of extracurricular activities so girls can develop their own interests and abilities, and all achievements and progress are valued and praised.
Extracurricular clubs include Drama, Chess, Gardening and various Art, Music and Sports activities.
While LEH is a broadly Christian foundation, it welcomes girls of all faiths, and none. School Assemblies, some of which are performed by the girls for their parents, may feature Hindu, Islamic, Sikh or Jewish festivals and stories, as well as Christian.
Burlington House, the home of the Junior School, boasts superb facilities for a 21st-century education including a spacious Art and Design Technology studio, Science lab, computing suite; a much-loved library as well as a separate reading room and large, bright classrooms. As well as the great sports facilities, there are additional spaces including a giant Teepee and Nature Garden for outdoor learning.
The staff work hard to establish and maintain a caring, supportive atmosphere in which girls feel confident to be themselves, to respect and care for everyone in the community, to be proud of their achievements and to persevere with things they find challenging. Pastoral care is a priority and we are proud of the happy, lively, hard-working pupils of the Junior School.
Charitable status. The Lady Eleanor Holles School is a Registered Charity, number 1130254.