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St Columba’s School
Description: St Columbas School
St Columbas School
Org 1: HMC
Description: St Columbas School
Duchal Road, Kilmacolm, Inverclyde PA13 4AU
Telephone: 01505 872238
Motto: Orare Laborare Literisque Studere
Age Range: Nursery, Pre-Prep/Infants, Prep/Junior to 11, Senior to 18
Day or Boarding: Day, Day Only
Gender: Co-ed
Exams offered: Scottish National 5, Scottish Highers, Scottish Advanced Highers
Bursaries and discounts: New entrant bursary
Founded in 1897, St Columba’s School is a non-denominational day school for boys and girls aged 3–18 years and is renowned for its first-class education and academic excellence. Situated at the heart of Kilmacolm, yet within easy reach of the city of Glasgow and the surrounding areas, it is a forward-looking, vibrant and dynamic school.
The first thing you notice at St Columba’s is the warm welcome and the strong sense of community. This is in part the result of its size where teachers know each pupil by name. Indeed, considerable effort is made to create an environment which allows the School to identify and nurture the unique talents and skills of each pupil, and encourage each one of them to realise their full potential, grow and flourish.
St Columba’s success is evident not only in its excellent academic results, regularly placing St Columba’s as one of the highest-achieving schools nationally, but in the impressive young people you will meet in a classroom, at an international debate, or on a rugby field: they are polite, articulate and quietly self-assured. The School combines the pursuit of academic excellence with a range of opportunity and challenge to develop self-confident and independent young people who have a strong sense of community and who will become responsible and reflective future leaders. High-quality teaching, a strong sense of belonging and the space for pupils to grow and achieve their full potential is what St Columba’s offers. The School’s Pipe Band is known for its success, most notably becoming World Champions in 2023 in the Novice A category.
St Columba’s offers wraparound care from 7.30am to 6.00pm, financial assistance and a dedicated coach service.
Facilities. Our school campus sits within the heart of the village of Kilmacolm and easy travelling distance of Glasgow. Junior School is nestled in a woodland setting filled with light and colour and caters for our children in Early Years to Junior 6. Senior School is located a third of a mile from Junior School and caters for pupils in Transitus (J7) to Senior SVI.
Over the last 8 years we have invested £7 million to provide the Senior School Girdwood Building that houses Transitus (Primary 7), English, Languages, the Pastoral Care Suite, a Library and 13 classrooms; revamped our 6 science laboratories; and landscaped our Junior School grounds. Our most recent investment is our modern Wellbeing Centre. This new resource at the heart of the school reflects the values of St Columba’s where we recognise that, for children to flourish and for staff to support them, health and wellbeing is paramount.
Sports facilities include: gym area for gymnastics and dance, large purpose-built sports hall including fitness suite, all-weather floodlit hockey/tennis ground, access to three rugby pitches and a large playing field used for athletics and cross-country running.
Curriculum. St Columba’s School follows the Scottish Curriculum at all stages. Junior School pupils are taught French, music, drama and PE by specialist staff. Transitus (P7) is a transitional year with the core curriculum taught by the class teacher and science, languages, art, music and PE delivered by specialist secondary teachers. Pupils in Senior IV are presented for National 5 examinations followed by Higher Grade and Advanced Higher Grade examinations in Senior V and Senior VI.
Games. Rugby, hockey, tennis, athletics, badminton, gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, basketball, soccer, dance (girls), orienteering. Optional: netball, squash, cricket, golf, skiing/snowboarding, curling, street dance, weight-training.
Extra-Curricular. Throughout the whole school there are approximately 60 clubs and societies. They range from athletics and orchestra, gardening and science, STEM and enterprise, debating and Lego club, through to coding and philosophy covering most letters of the alphabet. There is truly something for every child. Individual tuition in a wide range of instruments is available. Public performances and school shows are arranged on a regular basis.
Our progressive outdoor education programme allows pupils to develop resilience and the ability to problem solve; and learn to work as part of a team in some of Scotland’s most beautiful locations. We are proud to be sector leaders running one of the most successful DofE Award programmes in Scotland, with Mini Duke and Junior Duke Awards offered to children in Junior 2–6 whilst Transitus and Senior I pupils take part in the John Muir Award. Over 90% of Senior III pupils enrol in the Bronze Award each year.
There is a very strong tradition of fundraising for charity and community service within the School.
St Columba’s has strong links with schools in France.
Organisation. The school is organised into four Houses for both pastoral and competitive purposes. Each house has a Head of House as well as a pupil Captain and Vice-Captain. Career guidance is supported by an external adviser.
Admission. Entry to St Columba’s is by a combination of entry test, interview and, where applicable, a report from the applicant’s previous school. Open events are held in November and entrance tests are held in January. The main entry points are Early Years, Junior 1 and Transitus, however, pupils are taken in at other stages as places become available.
Fees per annum (2023–2024). Early Years 1,140 hours of free EYC in partnership with Inverclyde Council, J1 & J2 £11,335, J3 £12,410, J4 £13,190, J5 & J6 £13,865, Transitus–Senior VI £15,610.
A number of bursary places, ranging from 10–100% of fees are available.
Charitable status. St Columba’s School is a Registered Charity, number SC012598. It exists to provide education for pupils.
Governors & Staff:
Chairman of the Board of Governors: Mr D Girdwood, DL, BSc, MEd, SQH
Rector: Mrs V Reilly, MA Edinburgh
Depute Rector: Mr M J McLaughlin, MA Greenwich, BA Thames
Depute Rector: Ms A Berry, BA MRes Kent, MEd Buckingham
Depute Rector: Ms J Fulton, MA Stirling, MA Durham
Depute Rector - Junior School: Mr Allan McKay, BEd Strathclyde
Bursar: Mrs U Telfer
Admissions Registrar: Mrs L Mathie
Rector’s PA: Mrs A Maxwell